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subject: New!!! Mizuno MX - 1000 Iron Set 4-9PGS Review [print this page]

New!!! Mizuno MX - 1000 Iron Set 4-9PGS Review

New!!! Mizuno MX - 1000 Iron Set 4-9PGS Review

Mizuno MX - 1000 Iron Set at

The new MX-1000 Hot Metal irons were developed with a super high COR and a massive MOI for AMAZING DISTANCE AND FORGIVENESS. The hot Metal construction of the MX-1000 is created by plasma welding a thin, hot, ES230 maraging steel face to a high tech stainless steel body. This exotic construction delivers COR numbers that reach the legal limit, which results in incredible distance for your iron shots. Moreover, Hollow Technology construction with internal extreme MOI weighting creates a super low and deep COG, which delivers an easy, high and straight ball flight. The MX-1000 with Hot Metal technology is the longest and straightest iron we have ever developed, and it is sure to take your game to a whole new level.

The Mizuno MX-1000 irons are the ultimate in game-improvement irons with a super-high COR and MOI for incredible distance and forgiveness. They are constructed using a thin, hot maraging steel face that is plasma welded to a stainless steel body. Its Hollow Technology construction and extreme internal weighting provides a low and deep center of gravity for higher, straighter flying shots. Its aggresively beveled sole creates maximum forgiveness and easy playability from most any lie.

Hot Metal construction provides amazing distance and forgiveness

Hollow Technology construction with optimized internal weighting for maximum forgiveness and an easy, high launch

Two-toned durable double nickel chrome plated finish and finely detailed electroformed medallion

Modified U-grooves; which conform to the Condition of competition 2010, produce the ideal spin rate for maximum playability in all conditions.

Aggressively beveled sole design for maximum forgiveness and consistent playability from all types of lies.

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