subject: Benefits Of Green Tea - Especially For Weight Loss [print this page] Benefits Of Green Tea - Especially For Weight Loss
How does this kind of tea helps to reduce weight? This is a very important question raised by patients and experts. Green tea helps one to achieve optimal weight loss. Drink this tea is usually recommended plenty. Drinking herbal tea gives you a multitude of health benefits starting with weight loss.
From India to China, through Japan and Africa, tea is the drink of Eastern wisdom whose benefits are now recognized. The properties of green tea have been known since ancient times and are being honored as part of a slimming regime.
Green tea has all the elements necessary to help you lose weight: it is a diuretic, it helps to lower triglycerides and cholesterol, improves the bacterial flora, contains large amounts of vitamins so that a few cups a day is enough to cover every need. A loss of weight through diet tea is easy and affordable. The tea acts as a catalyst in burning fat. The mechanism used by the body to achieve this is through a process called thermo-Genesis in which the body uses a large amount of its reserves, which are mainly fat and releases heat during the process. This is called metabolism.
Now about the main benefits of drinking green tea.
Green tea also helps to solve the problems of diarrhea, it facilitates diuresis, protects and treats bleeding, wounds, sore gums, ulcers.
Green tea has antioxidant properties.
It can be used in poultices directly affixed to the skin or drunk as a tea.
IT reduces the risk of blood clot.
It reduces bad cholesterol in the blood.
It reduces the harmful effects of smoking.
Green tea prevents against heart disease, it helps digestion, prevents and combats senility, it allows a better resistance to bacteria, it would also take action against cancer cells.
It is also an excellent natural fat burner, it protects us against tooth decay, bad breath, also very active in the treatment of small colds, asthma, sinusitis. This is the best natural weight loss.
Ideal associated with a balanced diet, green tea can help you lose those extra pounds accumulated a few winter.
To do this, drink at least one liter of green tea per day (no sugar).
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