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Alternative to Cheap Health Insurance

Alternative to Cheap Health Insurance
Alternative to Cheap Health Insurance

Research has shown that at least 50% of the middle class Americans don't have access to health insurance. Most of them suffer from some kind of healthcare crisis. They are contributing a lot to the society but they are denied of the medical facilities that they should get. Since healthcare has become an expensive arena more and more people are unable to avail the medical benefits that they need in order to stay healthy.

One of the best ways to cope up with the medical bills is to opt for health insurance. But many people are unable to pay the high premium rates charged by the insurance companies. Even if they somehow manage to go for cheap health insurance most of the areas are not covered by these policies. Medicaid is another way of fighting your medical bills. Unfortunately most of the middle class people don't qualify for Medicaid. They earn too less to afford those expensive policies and too much to qualify for Medicaid.

Alternative to Cheap Health Insurance

According to the report submitted by Consumer Health Alliance nearly 45 million people in America are denied of health insurance benefits. It is shocking to know that this number is steadily increasing. Most of the household have only one employed member to depend on. Therefore in every family you will find some one or the other without health insurance benefits.

Those who have already bought insurance plans are suffering from rising premiums and loss of insurance benefits. Insurance plans are becoming unaffordable day by day as the costs are rising by at least 10% to 15%. But there is nothing to get upset as there is a smart alternative to health insurance.

Do you know about Consumer Health Alliance? It was established in 2002. The companies that are affiliated with the Alliance provide discount medical cards to all their members. The report of Consumer Health Alliance shows that the medical cards are gaining on going popularity.

These cards allow the consumers to avail healthcare facilities without involving such complex paper works. There is no exclusion or limitation that is usually associated with health insurance plans. If you are suffering from any health issue you can take advantage of the discount plan. Availing this medical card is very easy since it has got nothing to do with your medical history. You just need to enroll in the plan and avail affordable healthcare immediately. The best thing about this discount plan is that the monthly fee for membership is nominal.

You can avail this plan even if you have a cheap health insurance scheme. You can still be benefited from these discount plans as some of the plans provide supplement packages including prescription benefits, vision benefits, dental benefits and chiropractic benefits. These packages are affordable and they can easily supplement your existing plans. Going for these plans is a wise decision whether you have health insurance plan or not.

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