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Pokemon Eevee evolution. How many kinds of items can I buy?

Pokemon Eevee evolutionPokemon Eevee evolution. How many kinds of items can I buy?

Pokemon Eevee evolution characters are probably the most popular Pokemon characters ever made. These eight little characters have captured the hearts of adoring fans all over the world. Eevee, Umbreon, Glaceon, Espeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Leafeon have become every childs obsession. But with so many people wanting these characters, how can I find them? And what items are out there?

Due to their extreme popularity, the Eevee evolution characters have become nearly impossible to buy. Since everyone wants these awesome rare Pokemon characters, they have become expensive and hard to find. Take Umbreon for example. This beautiful black cat-like character is probably the most popular of the bunch. Prices for anything with Umbreon on them can be rather high. Whether its little mini Chupa pop figures, Keshipoke figures, super get figure, canvas plush toy, Pokedoll, stuffed toys, tshirts, or Pokemon card, you will probably have to pay through the nose to get your hands on them.

So, what kind of merchandise is out there and how can I obtain it?

There is quite a few Pokemon items with the popular Eevee evolution characters on them. Almost all of these items come from Japan. The Japanese items are much better quality and since Pokemon is a Japanese animation creation, its natural that most of the items come from Japan.


In 2008, the Pokemon Centers in Japan made the Pokedoll stuffed toys of the 8 Eevee evolution characters. The set consisted of all 8 evolutions, Umbreon, Espeon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Eevee, and Leafeon. They of course quickly sold out. They were then released in the USA for a brief time and of course, also sold out very fast. Then in December, 2009, Pokemon Centers in Japan re-released the evolution Pokedolls. Again in very small quantities. And once again they sold out in a matter of days. You can find these items on Ebay, but be careful, as there are many bootleg or counterfeit items from Hong Kong and Chinese sellers. You are almost always safe buying from a Japanese seller, as they are honest and of course they are made in Japan, so your chances are much better of getting a real one.


The Pokemon Centers in Japan made the canvas beanbag stuffed toys of the evolution characters in 2009. The set consisted of the eight evolutions, Umbreon, Espeon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Eevee, and Leafeon. They sold out in a matter of days. They are smaller than a Pokedoll and have a small amount of beans inside,similar to a beanbag, but with a very small amount of beans, so its more like a mini plush toy. These are very cute, as they have legs and are more accurately shaped like the characters. These were not released in the USA or anywhere outside of Japan. The prices are skyrocketing on these. The prices have gone from about $20 when they came out to nearly $60 a piece for them.


There have been several different keychains with evolution characters like Umbreon over the years. Some of the earlier ones can fetch up to $200 each. In 2009, the Pokemon Centers in Japan released the Pokemon Time mobile phone straps. Only Umbreon, Eevee, and Espeon of the Eevee evolution characters were made. Umbreon sold out in days, while the other two sold out in weeks. Also in 2009, there was a set of 6 charms that included Umbreon, Espeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Eevee. Glaceon and Leafeon were left out of this set.


There have been many Japanese Pokemon Eevee evolution cards and stickers produced over the years. Most of these cards range about $5-10 and stickers $1-5. The exception is some of the old Bandai sticker cards. Back in 1997 when Pokemon first came out, they released some sticker cards. They are like cards, but actually have stickers on the front that you can peel off. Some of these can get very very expensive. On average they cost about $30-150, depending on the character and condition of the card.

Now the tricky part, how can someone obtain these awesome treasures?

There is always Ebay, but personally I prefer to avoid it due to the number of bootleg items that are currently being sold by Hong Kong and Chinese sellers. Your best chance is some of the smaller, personal Japanese websites. There are only a handful of sites that are in English, so it makes it diffiucult if you cant read Japanese. Also most Japanese sites will not send internationally. Look for some that are in English as it is much easier to buy from than the Japanese sites.

Getting your hands on Eevee evolution items is usually tricky and expensive. Buying as soon as they come out is the best bet. Almost always the price tend ot increase a soon as the items sell out. Good luck in your quest for the evolutions. Although its very hard to get them, you gotta catch them all.

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