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subject: How Can I Intensify Success Into My Life With Thought and Action? What Does It Mean? [print this page]

How Can I Intensify Success Into My Life With Thought and Action? What Does It Mean?

How Can I Intensify Success Into My Life With Thought and Action? What Does It Mean?

I wanted to explain the importance our thoughts play in our lives, in terms of the way we can manifest success and happiness to ourselves. I am reasonably confident that you would be aware that we need to guard our thoughts, and be very clear in what we want. Why is this so? I place the question here, to help you be clear in your mind, so that you can get to work, today on manifesting all you want in your life, starting today.

I would also like to emphasis that action, as well as immediacy is important. It's like the saying that we should not put off for tomorrow, what can be done today. As soon as we put something off, even till just the next day,. We are mentally telling ourselves that the action is not important. To use an extreme example, if a person was having a heart attack, would you say that you will get to that tomorrow? I think not. In a similar manner here, unless you really need to wait, treat each task as important to ensure you are maximizing your results from your efforts. I am not suggesting you should turn around like a panicked lunatic, but be determined to do as much as possible. It is a habit that can be learned like any other. You will also be amazed at the extra amount that you can do, once you get the habit up and running.

Now, having explained that, my next point is to treat each task like a long lost love. Before you stop and ask if I am alright, let me explain. Imagine a man, who runs across fields and performs seemingly miraculous tasks, to be with his love, or to protect a special women. I think you get my point. When you are fired up, like a man in desperate love for a woman, who is prepared to do anything, you will understand the emotion and desire I am referring to. Fire yourself up with desire to see results and accomplish tasks that you know you need to do. I remember a time when I was determined to paint my new home. I started at six in the morning and worked through the whole day till around midnight, and then did it all again the next day. I ate little, and just worked, because I was fired up to do the task.

In a similar manner, feel a passion and desire as well as enjoyment to get your day's duties done. If you can also treat them as something you really love and need to do now. This simple adjustment will massively increase your productivity and results as well.

In addition to the above, always be thinking of the results you desire. To explain this in another way, think of sports people who mentally visualise their win, just before their sport begins. An athlete or golfer will think first, and picture every move and result desired. Do the same thing for your actions, and note the difference.

This information is not new. However, my hope is that my explanation has helped you to be motivated to move to your next logical level of success upward. Picturing and thinking about your desired good, almost to the exclusion of other things will massively concentrate your focus, and desire to succeed.
Zaproxy alias impedit expedita quisquam pariatur exercitationem. Nemo rerum eveniet dolores rem quia dignissimos.

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