subject: Information About 2011 Income Tax Brackets [print this page] Information About 2011 Income Tax Brackets
2010 Income Tax BracketsMarried Filing Jointly
Taxable Income Marginal Tax Rate
Not over $16,750 10%
Over $16,750 to $68,000 15%
Over $68,000 to $137,300 25%
Over $137,300 to $209,250 28%
Over $209,250 to $373,650 33%
Over $373,650 35%
Right now, there are six assets income tax brackets: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, and 35%. For 2010, these brackets administer to affiliated couples filing collective federal assets tax allotment in the afterward manner. As it stands now, there will be no 10% bracket for 2011, and the actual bracket ante will acknowledgment to their aboriginal 2001 levels: 15%, 28%, 31%, 36%, and 39.6%.
For 2010, if you advertise shares of banal that you've captivated for added than a year, any accretion is a abiding basic gain, about burdened at a best bulk of 15%. If you're in the 10% or 15% bordering assets tax bracket, however, you'll pay no federal tax on the abiding accretion (a 0% tax bulk applies). That agency if you're a affiliated brace filing a collective federal assets tax return, and your taxable assets is $68,000 or less, you pay no federal tax on the gain.
Tax News
No Tax Breaks for Breast Pumps
The IRS has ruled out breast pumps as an item that can be bought with money out of tax-free flexible spending accounts or health reimbursement accounts denying the request by the American Academy of Pediatrics. This is because breast milk is not taken to be medicine but food. The same is true for infant formula milk.
Only items that are required for medical care can be considered expenses under the health care reform law. Even over-the-counter drugs cannot be paid using funds from the accounts unless prescribed by a doctor.
This ruling is quite controversial because the IRS has permitted many other items to be bought tax-free that have far less effect on babies' long-term health than breast milk like diaper rash ointment, fertility services and Lamaze classes. On the other hand, breast milk is the sole food for babies from birth till up to a year in age. And we all know about the illness-prevention qualities of breast milk. Breast-fed babies tend to be more resistant to diseases and sicknesses like asthma, childhood leukemia, obesity and sudden death child syndrome.
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