subject: Protecting Yourself from Injury Related Expenses [print this page] Protecting Yourself from Injury Related Expenses
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 which was signed by President Richard Nixon defined the responsibilities of employers when it comes to the protection and safety of the employees. The Act covers all employers and employees both in private and in the government sector. It also provides higher disability benefits, compulsory coverage, medical care and rehabilitation.
Representatives from around the world join together and help in promoting preventive safety culture worldwide. About 2 million lives are lost due to job-related accidents every year, and approximately 268 million non-fatal accidents and 160 million victims of work-related illnesses happen every year.
The United States suffer from 103,000 work-related deaths every year while Canada has an average of around 5 workers dying at work every day. The frequency of workers dying because of work-related accidents in Canada is very alarming. Concerned agencies constantly work on improving implementation of their work safety laws.
Work-related accidents are very damaging to the families of the victims but they can also render employers bankrupt because of the financial obligation they have to shoulder, especially so if the victims are assisted by an expert injury lawyer ottawa-based multinational companies and other business firms in Canada are making efforts in securing their workplace to ensure the safety of their workers.
If you are a victim of a work-related accident, you have the right to file for claims or file a lawsuit against your employer. You can hold your employer responsible as long as the accident is legitimate. In Canada, there are cases where workers would fake the accident for monetary claims. You must be able to establish the legitimacy of your accident, so you will need the assistance of an experienced injury lawyer ottawa employers have some measures to help them avoid situations where there workers will commit such fraud.
Some work-related accidents can cause long term injuries that can gravely affect you and your family. In order to help you seek assistance for medical expenses and other forms of compensation, you must have legal assistance from an injury lawyer ottawa, Ontario fire accidents, for instance, leave many victims injured; the employers were left with no choice but to indemnify all the affected workers.
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