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subject: Yes Women Fantasize About Sex-Even Yours [print this page]

Yes Women Fantasize About Sex-Even Yours

Yes Women Fantasize About Sex-Even Yours
Yes Women Fantasize About Sex-Even Yours

To be in the arms of a man who knows exactly what he is doing is what women fantasize about most. Sad thing is though, just like your favorite sexual fantasies, it's just that. It hardly ever happens in real life.

We know most of you really want to blow a woman's mind in bed, but the fact is, few know how. I could pole a hundred or a thousand women and most all could count on one hand the number of men they have encountered that actually know how to do this. Why don't men take the time to figure this out, it would only benefit them. Who doesn't want a woman ready to hop in bed anytime?

There really are some simple things a man can fulfill a woman's fantasies. Most men are done though before the woman has even gotten started good. Women can have multiple orgasms and experience extreme pleasure. A lot of men hear the heavy breathing, feel she is wet and they mount. Next thing you know, 15 minutes or less and it's over. Guys if you spend 15 or 30 minutes having sex and you think she is satisfied, let me tell you, you are dead wrong. I am not saying it's not possible, but I will say you could take her so much further.

Another thing here with men. So you are done, you have had your orgasm. Guess what she is usually doing now that you are laying there drifting off to sleep or getting up to watch a ball game or raid the fridge. She is still fantasizing, wishing you would touch her again. A woman is very aroused after intercourse, especially if she hasn't reached an orgasm. So many men miss this golden opportunity to take her to the next level. Why don't they just tell you is what you may ask. Women fantasize but they won't tell you because the secretly fear you will think she is a freak.

It's a fact, women fake orgasms. They do it to spare your feelings. If you think you can tell the difference, think again, we are good at it. We also do it because we don't feel safe that you will listen to our fantasies or that you will think we are sex maniacs or worse you will feel you can't please us and you will stop trying. Women fantasize just as much as men we love sex just as much, if not more.

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