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subject: WOMENS ONLINE MAGAZINE [print this page]



Womens online magazine aims to provide awareness, education, and inspiration to all women on different ages, races and status. It reflects the changing view of women's role in the society in various fields such as social, religious, political and educational activities. It also help in empowering women skills to play a better and responsible position in competing in public life, diplomacy, religion, arts, medicine equally to men.

Topics covered varies from career, business, fitness, parenting, relationships, family to style, horoscopes, shopping, travel and entertainment. Most of these categories relates on being a woman. The ultimate category which women will love is about beauty. Although there is a saying, beauty is in the eye of the Beholder, most women still care for their physical attributes. They want to look good and feel good whenever they go out from their homes. This attitude brings about pleasing everyone that she sees. Beauty also brings out the confidence in you. So, womens online magazine promotes beauty as part of their page which includes eye, face, hair, makeover, skin and body care. In addition, other sections like kids, wealth, work, devotion and kitchen are also women's interest and featured on womens online magazine.

Recent research shows that 52% makes up the total Internet women users. In addition, more than half new users are women. This suggests an increase of women's curiosity and knowledge outside their homes. The remaining breakdown on percentages for women is as follows: 35% works in education, 19.8% are professionals, 18.2% computer-related jobs, 96% employed (both self-employed and employed), 84% college degrees, 80% earn $50,000 or more per annum. With these numbers, we can see that women in this century are competent, confident and hold status in their life.

As the internet becomes one of the mainstream medium to acquire informations women become more critical in terms of content, substance and e-commerce development. Most women believe that the use of internet services is convenient, time-saving and enhances lives by promoting communication, shopping, news and information that is why the Womens Online Magazine tries to pull out and gather the best resources of facts in order to offer its customers the best value of their time.

Womens online magazine is another women's best friend. With all relevant and practical information online, it serves as guide to all homemakers and career women out there. May this website be a useful tool for gaining confidence in yourself and gathering information to be knowledgeable with today's society. For more information, visit

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