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subject: Whitening Strips Or Whitening Trays? [print this page]

Whitening Strips Or Whitening Trays?
Whitening Strips Or Whitening Trays?

I am sure we all agree what a great benefit having a cleaner, whiter smile would be to all of us. We could go through our life feeling better about ourselves and uplifted in a very meaningful sense. Our friends, family and acquaintances would notice a more radiant, sparkling smile and set of whites. You would have enhanced an aspect of yourself that had made you feel insecure by eliminating unhealthy self conscious feelings and poor self esteem. Yes, teeth whitening has indeed come of age, and has thus enabled people to have better and happier lives. Nowadays we are so fortunate to have so many teeth whiteners out there to choose from. Of course it can be tricky if you lack the knowledge about the different kinds of teeth whitening products. Two kinds of teeth whitening products are teeth whitening strips and teeth whitening trays. Both have become an extremely popular method of getting whiter teeth. So which of these is best for you and what does each involve?

In terms of what is best for you, it really comes down to personal preference and what you are more inclined to use. When it comes to being able to make an informed purchasing decision, there is some information about both products that you should know.

Teeth whitening strips and teeth whitening trays both contain peroxide, the magical ingredient that overpowers and obliterates teeth stains, thereby leading to a set of whiter teeth.

Whitening strips are placed directly over your teeth. You can still carry on with your normal, daily activities and duties, even whilst the strips remain on your teeth. You can talk on the phone, you can run errands and you don't have to interrupt your daily life to use them. One possible disadvantage though is that some types of strips often fail to cover all of your teeth and uniformly whiten them. This has been the case for some people. If strips are for you, you'll have to use them about three times a year so you can maintain that clean, white smile. But you shouldn't worry about the cost, as a years' supply is still a lot cheaper than a visit to the dentist.

Teeth whitening trays on the other hand involve a different procedure for whitening your teeth. The trays involve the same ingredients, but instead of using an adhesive material to bond with the teeth, you put the gel into a tray and insert the tray into your mouth. Make sure that the tray is a custom tray so that it will fit your teeth better and do a better job of whitening them. The worst trays to buy are the prefabricated kinds.

Ultimately either method can work for you provided it is a good quality product. But keep in mind the things to consider when choosing one of them. The advantage is that both products are easy to use, safe and very affordable. Whichever option you go with, a high quality whitener will be able to restore the sparkling white color to your teeth.

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