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A Girl's Dream
A Girl's Dream

I have a wonderful dream when I was young and I always keep dreaming this same dream those years. Maybe all the girls have one similar dream as I. The content of my dream is as follows:

I will gradute from the university before 25 years old, living alone, devoting myself to the fields which I am interested in and running a small bookshop to enjoy my life.

I will purchase a not big house for myself on my own and have a rest at the balcony in my bedroom, where there is a big french window through which I can enjoy the beautiful scenary and wonderful sunshine. In my bedroom, there must be a warm round bed and a bookcase at the right side of my bed, so that I can fetch one of the books from the bookcase on the bed whenever I want to read. Besides, my glasses, mp4, cellphone, hair clips, tissue, comb and mirror will be put around the pillow, then I can get them when they will come in handy. There is also a big photograph wall in my house on which there are full of photos of my happy hour.

I will fill in my lovely refrigerator with yogurt, salad, chocolate, ice cream, grapes, strawberries, potato chips, cola and any others which I cannot remember at present, so that it will not be a question to me to choose what to eat and what to drink when I am hungry or thirsty.

Every morning, I will turn off the alarm clock on my cellphone and continue to sleep for a little while before getting up. I will put the quilt aside without making the bed. I will wear a long and large T-shirt instead of a formal nightgown to walk around in my house, brushing my teeth, washing my face and making my breakfast with the baggy but comfortable shirt. Then, I will put on the dress prepared last night and comb my shaggy hair. Every evening, I will make dinner for myself or treat some friends to meal in my house. After the meal, we can hang out to watch a movie, have a chat or drink coffee in Starbucks at the corner of the street. Then, I will return to take a bath in the bathtub with the relaxing music. After that,I will have some snacks such as candies, chocolate bars or nuts and update my diary under the light of the lamp. Later, I will read one interesting book and fall asleep naturally and soundly.

At weekends, I will go to shopping malls to get the items on great discount no matter I need them or not. I will watch a horror film with my little cattie while having ice cream. I will get on the long distance buses to enjoy the journey instead of the destination. Of course, I will learn another foreigh language to strengthen my ageing memory (it is said that learning a foreign language will enhance one's memory) and I will read some book to learn how to manage money matters.

During long holidays, I will go abroad to see the characteristic cultures and customs in other nations and taste the specific food there. I will take a picture of the symbolic architecture of each country. I will travel around the world one day. That is my dream when I was a little girl, do you have the same dream as mine?

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