subject: Postpartum Complications and Disorders: How to Relieve the Financial Stress [print this page] Postpartum Complications and Disorders: How to Relieve the Financial Stress
The birth of a child can be a joyous and exciting time. But following childbirth, some women may experience postpartum disorders or complications that can adversely her health, and prevent her from returning to work as quickly as planned. This may mean a loss of income that adds unwanted stress that may damage your health. Short term disability insurance relives the financial stress so you can focus on your health and the care of your newborn.
Postpartum disorders and complications affect many women. These disorders may biologic in nature, or related to mood or mental health.
Biologic Postpartum Complications
Biological complications from your delivery may include: Hemorrhage excessive blood loss, Hematoma localized collection of blood, Uterine Subinvolution slowed shrinking of the uterus, puerperal infection any infection of the reproductive system, Thrombophlebitis inflammation of pooled blood in a vein, pulmonary embolus when a clot breaks loose to block the pulmonary system, and Mastitis inflammation of the breast tissue.
Postpartum Mood Disorders
Mood disorders affect many postpartum mothers. The "baby blues" are very common and occur in 80% of new mothers. Postpartum depression is more serious and occurs in 10% to 20% of new mothers. Birth related post traumatic stress disorder may occur after experiencing involving threatened danger. Postpartum psychosis is quite severe and may require hospitalization until the condition is stabilized.
Financial Stress Hampers Health
If you experience one of more of these conditions it may be difficult for you to return to work as quickly as you might have hoped or budgeted. During this time you may not have the income coming in that you expected. You may also have extra expenses with possible left over medical bills from your pregnancy and delivery, coupled with the extra costs associated with any newborn. The financial stress may hamper your recovery.
Short Term Disability Relieves Your Stress
Short term disability insurance can relieve some of your financial stress to help you focus on your recovery, and enjoy your time bonding with your newborn baby. When bought prior to conception, short term disability will replace your income during your maternity leave for normal labor and delivery. There is a six week benefit for vaginal delivery, and an eight week benefit for c-section delivery less your elimination period.
Plus, your benefits may be extended should your experience biologic postpartum disorders that require you to miss additional time from work. The added income replacement may relieve some of your stress.
Short term disability will not replace your income should you extend your maternity leave due to a mood disorder or mental health concern only biologic disabilities are covered. However, income replacement for your normal delivery may lift your mood considerably, especially when compared to the alternative - nothing.
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