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Managing Side Effects of Cancer

Managing Side Effects of Cancer
Managing Side Effects of Cancer

Cancer is either inherited or acquired through virus infections due to some factors that exist in your current environment. Prostate cancer is a tumor which is likely to spread in the body. Cells tend to form in the prostate gland. The tumor grows slow and remains isolated to the gland for many years. When you are diagnosed with Prostate Cancer Side Effects , a major feeling or extreme exhaustion or fatigue is felt by your body. Consider these tips to manage fatigue: - Taking naps and breaks all throughout the day. - Eating well and drinking ample amount of liquids - Doing things that makes you relax such as reading or listening to classical songs - Doing mild exercises or taking short walks Diarrhea can also be a side effect of the prostate cancer. Avoiding fatty foods, caffeine, fatty foods and some fruits, eating only light foods and drinking small sips of fluids can help in treating or may be avoiding such condition. Over-the-counter drugs can also be helpful in treating this condition but it is advisable to still ask your doctor on what is good for you. Having an upset stomach as well the feeling that your taste changes are some of the side effects of Prostate Cancer Side Effects . Reducing stress, avoiding heavy meals, alcohol, coffee and taking an antacid should reduce that stomach upset of yours. Accordingly, by taking frozen or cold foods taste better compared to hot foods, add up herbs, sugar, spices, sauces and lemon to your food and always keep a healthy and clean mouth by regularly brushing and flossing. Mouth sore's one of the effects of Prostate Cancer Side Effects . In managing this, you should avoid spicy, hot foods especially those with acid level, eat soft foods, rinse your mouth with water regularly and use a mouthwash that is alcohol-free, avoid and drink a lot of liquids in small amounts or sips. Nausea or vomiting should also be managed to help you go through prostate cancer. Lastly, managing skin problems with such cancer can also be beneficial. By using specific moisturizers or lotions and by taking medicines for pain can aid you to surviving such condition as well. Be reminded to regularly consult your doctor or ask your nurse to know what is good for you and your health when you are undergoing such disease.

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