subject: Prostate Cancer Stages and How it Spreads [print this page] Prostate Cancer Stages and How it Spreads
Prostate Cancer Stages has been widely known to cause much damage and certain impacts in the health of an individual diagnosed with this type of cancer. Many treatments have been test discovered and tried to be effective on treating cancer. There also various studies concerning the association of prostate cancer towards a mass of specific complications. Along with these, they conducted several studies as to how develops and how it spreads and tends to bring about infectious cells within the body systems. Doctors and experts use the TNM system to distinguish the severity of the prostate cancer the same as to what they do to identify most cancer stages. The stages are identified by the use of the three different characteristics of growth and spread of the tumor. The TNM system stands for tumor, nodes and metastasis. Tumor - refers to the size that is the main part. Nodes - refer to what extent prostate cancer have scattered to any lymph nodes or if it has cause any harmful effects Metastasis - refers to the distance that has reached by the spreading, for instance, to the liver or bones. Another way of categorizing the stages is thorough the Gleason system. Some of the times, these two systems are merged to refer to prostate. In stage I, the cancer is only found in the Prostate Cancer Stages . In this stage, it is still microscopic and it still cannot be detected by a DRE (digital rectal exam) and cannot be seen in imaging the prostate as well. In stage II, the tumor within the prostate has not yet extended but it has already grown. In stage III, cancer has barely scattered outside the prostate. In this stage, it may involve tissues near the prostate such as seminal vesicles. In stage IV, is where metastasis occurs. That is, Prostate Cancer Stages has already spread outside the prostate thereby affecting other tissues. In this stage, it now affects the bones, liver, lymph nodes or even the lungs. It is important to accurately find and identify the stages. By knowing the cost it can help you determine exactly what optimal treatment and prognosis is most suitable. Due to these, extensive testing is worth going through to have a correct diagnosis about the prostate you belong.
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