subject: Cool Men at Forty [print this page] Cool Men at Forty Cool Men at Forty
Do not feel weird if you noticed your aging brother, father, uncle, or friend acting strange lately and seem to lack patience and explanation about all things because they might be starting already to experience this unlikeable stage of their life often people called male menopause or andropause, as this term has never yet recognized officially into the medical field. Like women, it inevitable for men to undergo menopausal period when their reach their midlife years in the age of forties to fifties, so it is much advisable not just for them but also to everyone to be aware of this phenomenon.
Andropause is the stage in men's life wherein several changes in their physical and psychological condition occur, Heller and Myersidentified symptoms of what they labeled the "male climacteric" includes gradual decrease of testosterone, weaken sexual excitement, fatigue, hot flashes, mood swings, joints and muscle aches, and irritability, and sleep disturbances. Andropause sometimes fail to undertaken diagnosis because symptoms can be vague and can vary greatly among individuals. If the female happens to have sudden shut on reproductive hormones, men can continue to father children but would have a very low production of the male reproductive hormone. The lowered number of testosterone is a sure thing to be taken seriously because it may somehow cause health risk to the andropausal person.
Male menopausal syndrome also means high tendency of acquiring osteoporosis and cardiovascular risk that is why treatments for these are now starting to be developed and advised. One of the responds to this matter is the Male Hormone Therapy, new formulations are now available, and so this is changing and men can now reverse many effects of depleting hormone balances and obtain some other very enjoyable results. Male hormone replacement is based on the idea that the treatment may prevent discomfort caused by diminished circulating estrogen and progesterone hormones. It involves the use of one or more of a group of medications designed to artificially boost hormone levels. The main types of hormones involved are estrogens, progesterone or progestin, and sometimes testosterone. Before proceeding to male hormone therapy, men should take preliminary precautions about the possible effects of this to their body system, thus, the say of a physician is necessary on what appropriate test must be taken first and what testosterone level is needed to be addressed.
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