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Work online! Things to Consider

Work online! Things to Consider
Work online! Things to Consider

As much as I love working online from my home office there can be challenges. Working online is so much different than working in a corporate office environment. However, there are similarities that are important in both work atmospheres.


One of the negatives of an online business can be isolation. It is easy to become so isolated we cut ourselves off, losing focus on what is happening outside of our environment. Whether you are working alongside your co-workers or working online from your home office, communication is extremely important. Actually I think it's #1. How can anyone know what we are doing or the services we offer if we don't communicate with them?

Methods of Communicating

A few of the most obvious ways of communicating is by telephone, email and social media. Consider using web based conferencing or webcams to interact in a live-time environment. There are free services available to set up group meetings via the internet or attend training programs, conferences, etc. Stay connected with your working community by any method that works for you. Don't forget the telephone is still an excellent way of speaking personally with a client to fix any problems that may have arisen. Emails aren't always the answer. Instant messenger programs are fabulous for staying in touch no matter where you are.

Office hours.

There are no set hours for the internet and your clients can be anywhere in the world and in different time zones. Set your office hours, post them and adhere to them. It is easy to end up working extremely odd hours just because the computer is in front of you and a client from across the country has emailed you with a question. By establishing set hours, everyone, including clients or your contacts knows when you are available and won't expect you to respond at odd hours. It's up to you to set the boundaries. They don't need to know you work 18 hours a day trying to get your business established.


Just like you, there are others working virtually who can provide you with assistance, products or services via the internet. Don't have time to check emails, write correspondence, or build a website? There are virtual assistants, working as private contractors who can take care of those details for you. Take advantage of their services and do what you do best ~ manage your online business.

Online Tools

There are many web based tools that can make your business run smoother such as Google docs, online project management programs like Basecamp, social media management tools such as Hootsuite and list management programs such as Aweber. Use whatever tools you need to ensure your online business's success. Online programs like gotopc or logmein allows access to your office computer from another computer virtually ~ no matter where you are.


A benefit to an online business is to be able to work from a home office, choosing your own office hours and type of business but it can also be a detriment if we are not careful. Stay involved with others in your industry, get out into the community, and use the tools and assistance available to you. By doing so, what you may have previously considered to be challenges do not interfere with the successful operation of any business whether it is online or a typical "Brick and Mortar" style business.

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