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Women's Socks And Men's Socks – Choosing The Best For You

Women's Socks And Men's Socks Choosing The Best For You

There's a great deal of difference in the sizing, styles, and colors of socks available for the different sexes, but when it comes down to choosing either men's socks or women's socks, the most important considerations are the same. And with such a variety available on today's market, there's really no excuse for not having the most comfortable, correctly fitting socks, both in formal, casual, and sports styles, and in any number of colors depending on your outfit, or your mood!

We wear socks to protect our feet, prevent our shoes rubbing, and because they are easy to keep clean and fresh-smelling (just try wearing shoes without socks for more than a day and you'll soon wish you could wash your shoes!). When we buy shoes, we usually try on many different sizes, styles, and widths before we make a selection, possibly because shoes are too expensive to take the chance of making a mistake. But really, we should be just as careful when choosing socks, both women's and men's socks. It's the socks that touch our feet, and the wrong size, or seams that are less than soft, can make them really uncomfortable.

If you're buying a new brand of socks, try just one pair first. You can always buy more if they're comfortable, and you know which size you need in that particular brand. Both men's and women's socks may come in different sizes, depending on the brand. Some use shoe sizes, others small, medium, and large, or simple inch measurements. And, if you are a woman, but your feet are shaped more like a man's, either because they're generally larger, or broader, don't shy away from buying men's socks; once they're on, there's really no difference to speak of, and surely comfort is the crucial consideration in these matters. Likewise, if you are a man with small or narrow feet, consider trying women's socks. If they fit you better, you'll be much happier, and so will your feet. And, really, who's ever going to know, or even ask, whether your socks are women's or men's?!

Look out for socks that have flat seams in the toe area, or tube socks like those worn for skiing, which are manufactured by knitting in one go, and so have no seams at all. Both these kinds are more commonly found in women's socks, but it is possible to find men's socks that are similarly made. You might just have to search a little harder for flat seams in men's socks.

Whether choosing women's socks or men's socks, always go for those with a high cotton or other natural fiber content. These allow your feet to breathe, and wick sweat away from the skin, so reducing odor and keeping feet fresh, which is particularly important for men's socks, as men's feet sweat more than women's do.

Take your time when choosing either men's socks or women's socks, and you really will go through life with a spring in your step!

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