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Raloxifene and How It Can Help Women

Raloxifene and How It Can Help Women
Raloxifene and How It Can Help Women

A selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), Raloxifene helps prevent and treat bone thinning or osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. The drug is also known to block estrogen in a woman's uterine tissue and breast, thus preventing invasive breast cancer.

Marketed under the brand name, Evista, Raloxifene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that requires a doctor consultation before using. It has many benefits to women. However, there are considerable risks in taking this drug so it is a must that you talk to your doctor first before starting on medication.

Mechanism of Action:

Raloxifene is prescribed to post-menopausal women to prevent or treat bone thinning or osteoporosis. The drug is also used to reduce or control the risk of invasive breast cancer by preventing or blocking the estrogen in uterine tissue ad breast. However, the drug is not prescribed to totally eliminate the risk of breast cancer.

Contraindications and Interactions:

You should not take Raloxifene if you are allergic to any ingredient in the drug, if you are planning to become pregnant, already pregnant or breast-feeding. Women who are not yet in the menopausal stage, who have history of blood clots or taking anion exchange resins or estrogens should not take this medication. Again, your doctor should know if one or more of these conditions apply to you.

If you are taking other medicines with Raloxifene, your doctor also needs to know as you may experience adverse reactions on the combination. These medicines are anion exchange resins such s cholestyramine, lidocaine, diazepam, diazoxide and anticoagulants such as warfarin.

Common Side Effects:

You may or may not experience these side effects of Raloxifene. These side effects include hot flashes, leg cramps, joint aches, increased sweating, severe allergic reactions such as swelling of the face, lips, tongue or mouth, difficulty breathing, hives, itching or tightness in the chest, abnormal vaginal bleeding, loss of vision, breast pain, chest pain, confusion, side or back pain, flu-like symptoms, unexplained bleeding or calf or leg pain.

If these side effects of Raloxifene become bothersome or persist, do not hesitate to call or visit your doctor.

Read more about Raloxifene in the newly published Raloxifene Review for more information.

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