subject: Is your wedding coming soon…? [print this page] Is your wedding coming soon? Is your wedding coming soon?
If you have a wedding coming up any time soon, you will be fully aware that it is not just the bride who has a few important outfit choices to make. In fact, every female guest will be agonizing over the perfect wedding outfit, complete with matching bridal accessories, and praying that no one else will show up wearing the same one.
Whilst men may simply choose their favorite suit and find a coordinating tie and shirt, matters are not nearly so simple for ladies. They are little more creative with their outfit choices. For a few handy hints and tips, read on:
If you don't want to spend too much money, one good way to keep the cost of your outfit to a minimum is by using something that you have already. Instead of buying a whole new ensemble, use one of your favorite tops or skirts and find something new to put with it.
If you decide you would like a new outfit for the occasion, don't feel pressure to spend all your hard earned cash in one fell swoop. You could look on the high street - home to many a catwalk-inspired piece. If you're feeling a little creative, vintage and charity shops are also great places to get ideas, even if you don't find anything for you.
If you do decide to spend more than you'd first thought, make sure it is on something that you will be able to wear again and again and again, and not just to weddings.
Dress appropriately for the weather. Party dresses and occasion pieces are notoriously flimsy, flippant affairs that will simply not keep you warm enough in early spring or through autumn. You can invest in a sturdy shawl or wrap or prepare to get goose pimples.
Go to the effort of buying a hat. Though no longer a wedding essential, hats add to the sense of occasion, and often to your own sense of fun. And, be honest, when else do you get the opportunity to be so bold in your accessorizing?.
Whatever you choose to wear, make sure it is something that puts you in the party spirit. If it makes you feel like celebrating, it is likely to have the same effect on everyone else around you, too.
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