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Prosperity,Something more than money
Prosperity,Something more than money

Prosperity is not a sin: In his book, Prosperity Charles Fillmore wrote, "It is a sin to be

poor," and believe you me I rather would live by these teachings than by the ones that say my God is an angry and cranky old man.God loves the people with a great heart. I do not know it for sure, but I feel it that way. If you want to solve any theological discrepancy go to your priest, I am not one. You are a result of what you did yesterday.This does not mean necessarily that you will be in the same place tomorrow if you change the way you act and see things.

You can create your destiny as you want. You are a result of your wildest dreams. You can

correct the course of the river of your life.Remember that the reason we call the present,

"present" is because it is a gift, a present from God. Here and now accepting this gift is

that we can change our lives for a better and prosperous future.

Catherine Ponders in her best-seller book "The dynamic laws of prosperity" gives advice

to those wanting to forgive to do it on daily basis and to sit and meditate and to declare that,

"God's forgiving love has set us free. Divine Love now produces perfect results and all is

again well between us. I behold you with the eyes of love and I glory in your success,prosperity and complete good."

It is an excellent prayer to forgive and cleanse our soul from any resentment and open it

up for new blessings. Only those who let go allow God into their souls. In one visit to Unity

Church I heard this prayer for prosperity that I changed a little bit for this article:"Divine

Love through me blesses and multiplies the good that I have, all the good things that I give,

the good things that I receive and the good that I am. Amen"

Every time I donate money to a church or charity, I pray looking for sustenance and I use

this prayer. It has worked for me. It cleanses my soul from bad influences, too. I trust in the

importance of forgiving as a way of improving our environment. You need a lot of love to forgive others and even yourself.If you want to increase the love in your heart, give love as much as you can.

Do random acts of love, let a lady go first, open a door, and give a rose. Say something nice to someone you dislike. Remember the saying, "Noblesse oblige." I knew a lady that used to do goods acts randomly but she only wanted to feel well with herself. Whatever she did was to feed the "feel sorry for herself" mentality she acquired through years of loveliness. She tried to do her best, but there was not love in her actions.As part of her course of action, she was not able to love any man truly.She used to boycott the good friends that were trying to go further in helping her. For many years, she complained she gave so much.Her life was a nightmare with no love, or anybody who cared for her. A friend gave this lady the advice of forgive and forget and to start giving. A gift blesses both,the giver and the receiver. My friend asked her to fill her heart with love for the recipient of the present. At the beginning, it was a tough duty but once she started doing good deeds from the bottom of her heart, things bettered. Miracles started to happen in her life frequently. Bad relationships mended; her life quality changed totally. The Universe always reacts in favor of those who love and show their love for others.

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