subject: Individual Health Insurance Plans More Affordable [print this page] Individual Health Insurance Plans More Affordable
Thr r many more affordable options fr individual health insurance thn thr r fr family health insurance. Th reason fr th b individuals, n average, w spend much less n health care each year thn a family w n th allows thm t simply pay th cost f one r two doctor visits frm thr wn pocket n raise thr annual deductible obligation t a higher level. Th w lower thr monthly payments considerably n still give thm protection n th event f long term hospitalization. Easy To Insure ME has the answers
Th n example f mkn n individual health insurance policy more affordable fr . On average, a normal individual w see a doctor approximately twice per year, rrt? Many companies give two sick days per year n ll fnt want t t n annual check-up, thrs twice per year, barring n unforeseen event. Th cost f seeing r doctor twice w rn between 0.00 n 0.00, depending upon whr live n wht re being seen fr. Remember tht th a rough estimate give r take a bit. Easy To Insure ME has the answers
M point tht even f carry a lower deductible, such 0-0.00, w still h t pay those costs out f r wn pocketbook each year until r deductible w taken care f before th insurance company w bn covering . Th being th case, n order t mk individual health insurance more affordable simply n n setting tht money aside each year.
Th above example n n option fr helping t mk buying a health insurance plan affordable. It's much better t carry a high deductible thn t t h n coverage t .
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