subject: How To Get Pregnant With A Fertility Bracelet [print this page] How To Get Pregnant With A Fertility Bracelet
A fertility bracelet could be the best accessory to put on whenever you ultimately arrived at the decision that it's time to get pregnant, but the "higher powers" just don't seem to be hearing you. It has long been thought that many different stones hold within them the positive healing energy from the earth. By wearing jewelry made from these fertility stones, as a necklace, bracelet or charm, women have felt a sense that their fertility levels surge. After continual use they report that their overall health improved and their nerves calmed down.
For generations women from around the globe have decorated their bodies with precious distinct fertility "gemstones" in an effort to prepare themselves for conception. Many women continued to wear their fertility bracelets long afterwards they had started down their process of carrying a child, and even long after when taking care of their newborn, due to the restorative power they believe these fertility stones possessed.
Fertility bracelets can be made with any stone believed to have healing attributes including Rose Quartz, Mexican Fire Opal, Moonstone, Vessonite, Bloodstone and Rhodonite. These fertility stones have been thought to increase a woman's levels of fertility and revitalize her reproductive organs. Quite a few are considered to have regenerative energies that increases blood flow.
A number of suppliers of fertility bracelets, necklaces and charms carve these stones into symbols of fertility such as Kokopelli, butterflies, eggs and turtles. Turtles have long been considered a effective fertility symbol because they can lay up to 100 eggs at a time year after year. Butterflies represent a symbol of rebirth into a new beginning for a new life by way of metamorphosis.
Southwest Native Americans for hundreds of years made fertility bracelets of Kokopelli, the god of fertility, who is thought to bring the renewal of life through the promise of a successful pregnancy. Eggs are seen as a fertility symbol (think Easter and bunnies). Celebrated early in the spring seen as a time of rebirth; eggs are a direct symbol that the new life begins again.
For many women interested in wearing a fertility bracelet, attractive ones are available on the web, though you can easily make one yourself. You will find companies on the internet that permit you to select the stones and metals you want in your bracelet to be put together in accordance with your individual specifications, and which stones "speak to you", making your chosen fertility bracelet very unique for you.
Whether you believe in the healing energy that fertility stones hold within them and their ability to transfer that energy to you, wearing your unique fertility bracelet to symbolize that you are ready to get pregnant can make a nice fashion statement. If you are interested in it as being If you merely look at a nice piece of jewelry for either yourself, or a nice gift to a friend or acquaintance preparing for conception, fertility bracelets just might be exactly what you're looking for.
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