subject: Changing Child Behaviour - A Cure For Temper Tantrums [print this page] Changing Child Behaviour - A Cure For Temper Tantrums
Changing Child Behaviour - A Cure For Temper Tantrums
In today's world, it seems that almost any topic is open for debate. While I was gathering facts for this article, I was quite surprised to find some of the issues I thought were settled are actually still being openly discussed.
Those of you not familiar with the latest on parenting now have at least a basic understanding. But there's more to come.
As a parent, you may find your changing child's behaviour to be a little unsettling at times. As a general rule - Parenting can be an unsettling experience even at the best of times. Raising children is not an art form and there are so, so many things that need to be learned. How to manage temper tantrums being an essential lesson that will need to be learned early on. So what is a Temper Tantrum?
Basically, a temper tantrum is when your child explodes from a build up of frustration, anger, fear, rage and even boredom. Children have not yet learned how to manage these feelings / states and they suffer from massive build ups as a result. These build ups result in your child displaying temper tantrums, also known as a fit in some countries. Screaming, crying, leg kicking, fist pounding, and toy throwing are all common traits of temper tantrums and as parents we need to minimize these behaviour's to the best of our abilities.
Therefore, learning how to deal with, prevent, and survive temper tantrums in toddlers is something that nearly every parent must actively strive to do. Temper tantrum's often leave parents feeling frustrated, angry, somewhat powerless, and there is a certain feeling of failure to be a good parent by not being able to control their kids behaviour. Especially if the tantrums occur whilst out and about in public places or whilst attending family gatherings.
Before being able to manage your child's tantrums, you first need to understand that there are different types of tantrums that are triggered by different things. Learning to tell the difference between them will allow you a head start in the prevention of such behaviour.
There are three common everyday types of tantrums, they all have different triggers and parents need to be aware of these triggers and should treat each type differently.
The first and most common tantrum is caused by Fatigue and / or Hunger - Most children can be a little out of sorts and can lose all emotional control when they are tired, hungry, or both. Their reactions to fatigue (over tiredness) and hunger can be quite strong, behaving negatively to scratchy or baggy clothing, t-shirt labels, tight shoes, etc. Some children can become emotional during transitions from one activity to the next. For example: Telling a tired child to put down their toys when it is dinnertime, can cause them to throw a fit. On the other hand, a hungry child may voluntarily put their toys away and sit down at the dining table screaming for their dinner an hour before it is ready.
Some children are simply tantrum prone. They are more sensitive, persistent and / or determined and lack the necessary skills to keep their emotions under control.
The second tantrum type is caused by illness and / or hypersensitivity - Illness is in fact unavoidable in most cases. We can do our best to try and keep our kids healthy and happy, but the fact of the matter is - Kids will still suffer from ailments. It may just be a common cold or a headache, a pain in the stomach or even just a runny nose. Illnesses / ailments cause discomfort and discomfort causes all people (not just kids) to be sensitive. This sensitivity builds up to a point where it becomes very frustrating for a child. Imagine an itch that just won't subside. This kind of itch can drive your child nuts, scratching and scratching until they break the skin, eventually screaming and kicking their legs from the frustration of not being able to stop the itch.
The third tantrum type, Testing or Manipulation - Most parents when they speak of tantrums are usually referring to this type. This kind of tantrum is caused by an angry defiance on the child's part for not getting what he / she wants now. A child wants something that YOU the parent do not want them to have and tries your patience with a loud, angry emotional explosion that can be referred to as a TEMPER TANTRUM. This kind of tantrum is a plain and ugly display used for the purpose of manipulating the parent. They are often used for getting power. The child may be trying to gain power during a situation and can not.
A Few Tips That will help Manage Temper Tantrums.
The very first and most important thing for parents to do is KNOW YOUR CHILD! Understanding their likes and dislikes, what makes them tick, what activities or actions set them off, whether or not they will fall apart if they miss their lunch / afternoon snack / nap or all of the aforementioned. Knowing your child's weaknesses as well as their strengths will enable you to better manage their changing child behaviour and temper. Reducing the need for your child to resort to throwing a tantrum.
If the tags on your child's clothing drives them nuts, remove them!If your child is sensitive to change, give them lots of forewarning so they can adjust beforehand.If your child is hungry, feed them! Or if it is before dinner, give them a light snack - a piece of cheese or a water cracker - something that won't ruin their appetite at dinner time.
A child with a frustration type of tantrum needs a parents understanding. They may even need frequent hugging and comforting as well. This kind of child needs other human beings there that care and want to comfort them. Physical comfort is just one aspect of care that a frustrated child needs, another being careful guidance and lessons. If the child is determined to tie his or her own shoe laces, but is frustrated because he or she can not, then you will need to spend a lot of extra time practicing how to tie shoe laces with the child. Thus eliminating the problem.
Most of all, always be aware of the fact that children need to know that they are loved, and will be loved forever. Even when you don't love their changing child behaviour.
There are many things that we as parents can do to manage changing child behaviour. Behavior doesn't usually change overnight, though and a behaviour that you think you have quashed may reappear in the future. Only thing is, it will be a little easier to change a second time round.
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