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Attraction Marketing Secret - Be Yourself

Attraction Marketing Secret - Be Yourself

Is there a simple secret to attraction marketing? New network marketers always hear about the philosophy of attraction marketing, and the question is: how do we portray ourselves so that people will want to join with us?

In our society appearances are emphasized to be the deciding factor. We were taught when young how to present ourselves for the right circumstance, hoping others would approve us, like us, and we would know success. But the maturing experiences of life caused us to see through that. We grasp the futility of attempting to create a life founded on manufacturing an unreal self geared to please all people. In learning to create a healthy life, we at last appreciate that the surest way to develop authentic relationships is by BEING YOU.

This is what attraction marketing is all about, the surest way to attract others to us, who will come to know, like, and trust us; is to authentically be the best us possible.

When you dive into learning the details of network marketing, there is a personal transformation. By connecting with so many new people, we expand our interpersonal skills. We learn to make videos, write articles, and master social media. We learn that interacting with a helping heart provides deeply satisfying experiences.

The best new understanding is that network marketing is an investment in ourselves, which naturally helps us to become more personally developed, more proficient, and have more to give to those also wanting to learn.

Recently I was able to get a new person sign up for my company. And I listened to this bright young man as he told me his plan on making some videos, and how he plans to present himself, so I praised him on his profound awareness of the principles of attraction marketing.

He said he would not speak of network marketing when he meets new people. He instead will let them get to know the person he is: his rambunctious little kids, his joyful pack of dogs, the tattoo shop he owns, his tattoos, his artwork, his pet praying mantis farm, his blistering rock guitar. He knows he can't please everyone, only those who click with the authentic person he shows himself to be. And those people are the very ones he wants to work alongside. Meanwhile he listens to motivational teachers and leaders and takes trainings on a daily basis. Watching the rise of this star will be a joy. The best of attraction marketing!

There is a simple secret to attraction marketing. Be a manager! Living out a deep personal generosity of self is the answer to this. Become skilled, expand, invest in a personal development and be authentic; BE YOU! And then give that great person you became, all away.

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