subject: It is Time to End the Farce of Global Warming and its Economic Impact on Society [print this page] It is Time to End the Farce of Global Warming and its Economic Impact on Society
I don't know how these democrats can believe in their obsession with global warming.
They live with blinders on to advance the green movement and in the process destroy our
national economy. Even though global warming has been proved to be wrong by reputable
scientists all over the world and Al Gores figures have been proved to be wrong and
falsified. The green revolution has been tried in Spain and failed miserably and almost
bankrupted the country as well as those that have tried that way. The European model of
Socialism has failed so badly that the whole continent is trying to bail each other out, and
they will all go down together looking to us to bail them out again. We bailed them all out
after World War I and WWII and rebuilt their economies from the ground up and they have
been destroying it ever since. The retirement age of 55 or so, 2 month vacations with 35
hour work weeks, all the union demands have drained their treasuries to the point that the
unions run the Countries and riot if their demands are not met. The Democrats have forced
the oil companies to drill in 5,000 feet of water which is unsafe by any standards when we
have enough oil on dry land to meet all our energy needs if we could drill for it. Nobody
blames the democratic party and I cannot understand why not. The Federal government has appropriated and confiscated so much of western lands where we have enough oil reserves to last us for 300 years and enough gas for 500 years. The EPA is behind all the
restrictions put on oil companies so that they are not allowed to drill for the oil. That is what
forced oil companies to drill in such deep water with the risks that entails. The technologies are there to extract the oil and gas from the shale and sand deposits with almost no risk of spills. The EPA and democratic house and senate members have placed so many restrictions on what the oil companies can or cannot do that they are being forced way offshore and almost into international waters to drill for oil and gas. Other countries can drill for our oil as long as they stay outside the 300 mile limit. Their is enough oil in Alaskan land and waters to satisfy a good portion of our national needs. The Rockie Mountains as well as Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and portions of other states have more oil than Saudi Arabia and most middle eastern countries. Why are we spending $25 Billion dollars for foreign oil when we have enough right here to satisfy all our energy needs. The money we send overseas finances despots and rulers that hate us and our way of life. It probably funds some Al Quida groups in circuitous routes throughout the middle eastern financial system.
The EPA has placed so many ridiculous obstacles and rules and regulations for oil and
gas companies to follow. The cost of oil should really be around 20 to 40 dollars a barrel
and gasoline should be selling for around $1.50 a gallon or thereabouts if we could drill
unhindered and safely right here at home. People also think the reason jobs have moved
overseas is because of cheaper labor. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is because the cost of doing business here in America has become so restrictive with rules and regulations placed on all small and large businesses by government. The insane demands of the environmentalists with green rules and restrictions to curb CO2 emissions because of phony global warming figures. They were concocted by Al Gore and his merry band of phony scientists in secrecy. By the way, isn't it strange that he has become a
multimillionaire in the few short years that he has been investing in green companies and
technologies?. He goes around the country giving speeches at so much a pop. He has
advocated it for so long that I think even he believes it now. Sad isn't it that we have to pay
for it while he profits from it? Everywhere it has been tried, it has failed miserably. Now
they have dreamed up and put in place the carbon exchange in Chicago ( of all places ) to
buy and sell carbon credits to and for foreign countries. I expect you know how that works. It is the biggest Ponzi scheme ever thought up by environmentalists to profit from a false premise. What kind of a mind thought up this one. It is small countries selling excess carbon credits to larger nations so they can pollute to their hearts content. But at a price. These smaller countries would be given credits by some organization, to sell to bigger countries. Because these small countries do not pollute the air they are given credits for that to sell at a profit. The large companies can buy them and pollute for a price. I did not make it up. It is in place now and operating. This must be a George Soros invention. I can't think of anyone else crazy enough to start this up. That man must really hate America by the way he keeps on trying to destroy its infrastructure and laws. He almost broke the back of Englands economy and sold short on the pound and became a billionaire. What drives a person like that to destroy what made him wealthy, that gave him every advantage he now has,and to bring it down. I can only surmise that once he made his , he doesn't want anyone else to make it and be on his level. He was from the old Hungarian countries and made his money running hedge funds and ruining them. I can only say that if people are not happy here then they should find someplace else to go. Go back to where you came from or find a better place, but leave us alone. We were getting along without your help, and we will again as soon as we vote you all out of office.
We need to go back to the constitution and the rule of law. Not the law as it is now but the
way it was intended. What we have now is case law that was dreamed up by socialists and communists to break down our constitutional system of law. Everything depends on the last case tried with that particular law and its twisted around to make it change just a little bit each time the law is administered and each case depends on the last case and its rulings by the courts so that with time you cannot even recognize the original laws and what they meant. Each change becomes the new law. We must find a way to go back to the constitutional laws and administer them with regularity so every case is judged by the laws as they were intended and written. No more legislation from the bench so every judge can rule on his beliefs of what the law means. Their must be a standard. That brings me to the congress and senate. Their must be one law for all of us. We need a constitutional amendment to stop the special privledges for congressional and senatorial office holders so
that they have to live by the same laws they pass for the rest of us. No more special
exemptions or privledges for them. They get the same medical coverage they make for the
rest of us. No more lifelong pensions for a one term officeholder. By the way they have
voted to have no cost of living increases this year again. That makes 3 years in a row but
you can be sure they voted themselves another raise this year. We are just now finding out
how corrupt politicians have voted themselves gigantic salaries for little or no work. Even in
small towns across America we have crooked politicians ripping off the system by hiding
what they do in obscure wording in innocous bills. No more exemptions from the same laws we have to live by. Term limits has to be made the law for all members of the house and senate. Two terms for a senator and three to four terms for a congressman or woman. No more lifetime office holders and passing in on to their children as if they owned it. We need people that see a need to do something and then go back to private life. Lobbyists cannot give money or gifts to officeholders and all contributions to any candidate must be made public to everyone. Union members must vote in secret ballots to donate their money before union leaders give away anything. We are bailing out the union pension funds while they donate millions to democratic political campaigns. Are we crazy or not? Every bill brought before the congress or senate must be listed on C-Span in its entirety for all to see and earmarks must be clearly defined and the author named. Two weeks is not unreasonable for bills to be placed on C-Span for review by the American public to let their representatives know how they feel.
The green revolution, as it is called, is as phony as the people behind it. We have lost so
many jobs because of it that America will be years trying to get back those jobs we lost
because of Obama's Health Care fiasco. He spent an entire year trying to get that passed
and the only reason it did pass was through bribery, threats, intimidation and dealmaking. It will have to be de-funded or removed somehow before it is fully implimented. This President must know by now that he is a one term President. If he is deluding himself that he can fool the American people again, then his ego must be enormously big. He has lied about every promise he ever made to us as a nation. He has followed his own aganda to work for the unions and left wing extremists so far that he is out in the open now. He cannot hide from his record. He has gone against the wishes and expressed views of the people time after time and ignored us for his own agenda. He has created many jobs but they are all government jobs that cost money and produce nothing. their were 100,000 government jobs created in just over one year. He has filled every government job with his far left wingnuts that he has gathered from all over the country. All he has done so far is to spend, spend, spend and wants to spend more. The examples of Greece and Spain are fresh in our view of the failed system for green jobs and technologies that do not work. Even now they want to subsidize the great windmill generators they brag about as being so cost effecient. They are not. The cost of building them and their maintainance is very high. Now he wants us to subsidize them also. He has stated he wants our electric rates to go through the roof. Solar panels have not really improved for twenty years now. The windmills have proven themselves ineffective for our needs. Not in my backyard is the cry most often heard. Even Ted Kennedy blocked a wind farm off the coast of Massachussetts where they would be seen from his property. They seem to ignore the facts of clean coal and nuclear energy have advanced to the point of almost no risk at all for nuclear and clean coal has made giant strides. We need new refineries now. The EPA requirements for certain fuel blends for many parts of the country cannot be met without new refineries. But they block them with insane regulations and requirements. The Japanese have used cement technologies to lock in the radiation wastes from nuclear for years now and it works. They are trying their best to get cap and trade in somehow and then build on it until they destroy our economy.
George Soros has already put his money into Brazilian oil research and needs our drilling rigs to be sent south to that country. He is behind the push to block oil drilling in the Gulf and the moratorium on drilling so the oil platforms will leave American waters and head to Brazil to make him money. How come the highest officials of B P sold
stock short 3 weeks before the explosion?. Once there we will never see them for years
and gasoline will be $10. a gallon here. Then Soros will be selling us oil that we can't drill
for here. Look it up for yourself. We even gave loan guarantees to Brazil, $10 Billion
dollars to help them put us out of business. People are just now finding out about all this
but it may not be too late even now. Please don't believe me! Look it up!
It is all on the web and all you have to do is look for it. The corruption of this administration
is almost beyond belief. It is organized and planned with well thought out design to infiltrate our government and subvert it from within. Please look up George Soros and Maurice Strong and the organizations they own and sponsor and belong to. Remember, they want the New World order. Here are a few of the organizations that these people are into. They sponsor and created most of these organizations. They fund a great majority of them. Please read and check them out for yourself.
* Abortion Access Project
* After Prison Initiative
* Alliance for Justice
* America Coming Together
* American Arab Anti-Discrimination Research Institute
* American Constitution Society for Law and Policy
* American Friends Service Committee
* American Immigration Law Foundation
* American Prospect
* Amnesty International
* Brennan Center for Justice
* Campaign for America's Future
* Campus Progress
* Catholics for Choice
* Catholics for a Free Choice
* Center for Law and Social Policy
* Children's Defense Fund
* Center for American Progress (John Podesta)
* Center for Community Change
* Center for Constitutional Rights
* Center for Investigative Reporting
* Center for Policy Alternatives
* Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
* Coalition for an International Criminal Court
* Community Rights Counsel
* Critical Resistance - Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex
* Death Penalty Information Center
* Death Penalty Mobilization Fund
* Death with Dignity National Center
* Democracy 21
* Democracy Alliance
* Democracy Now!
* Drug Policy Alliance
* Economic Policy Institute
* Earth Charter
* Equal Justice Works
* Esperanza Center
* Feminist Majority
* Fenton Communications
* Ford Foundation
* Free Exchange on Campus
* Gay Straight Alliance Network
* Gun Violence Prevention
* Harlem Children's Zone
* Huffington Post
* Human Rights First
* Human Rights Watch
* Immigrant Funders' Collaborative
* Institute for Policy Studies
* Immigrant Legal Resource Center
* Independent Media Institute
* Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
* International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
* International Human Rights Funders Group
* Jews for Racial and Economic Justice
* John Edwards
* Joint Victory Campaign 2004
* Legal Action Center
* Legal Defense and Educational Fund
* Lindesmith Center
* Lynne Stewart Defense Committee
* Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
* Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
* Midwest Academy
* Million Mom March
* Mother Jones Magazine
* Moving Ideas Network
* Ms. Foundation for Women
* Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation
* NARAL Pro-Choice America
* National Council of La Raza
* National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
* National Lawyers Guild
* National Organization for Women
* National Immigration Law Center
* National Immigration Forum
* Nation Institute
* National Security Archive Fund
* Network for a Progressive Texas
* Network on Small Arms
* No Peace Without Justice International Committee
* Open Society Institute
* Pacifica Foundation
* Peace and Security Funders Group
* People for the American Way
* People of Color In Crisis
* Physicians for Human Rights
* Population Services International
* Project On Death in America
* Project Syndicate
* Prison Moratorium Project
* Proteus Fund
* Public Citizen Foundation
* Reform Institute
* Rocky Mountain Peace Center
* Sentencing Project
* Social Investment Fund Network
* Southern Center for Human Rights
* State Strategies Fund
* Tides Center
* Tides Foundation
* United Nations Millennium Development Project
* Urban Institute
* U.S. Justice Fund
* Violence Policy Center
* We Interrupt This Message
* Western States Center
* Youth Law Center
* MANY OTHER Worldwide Organizations Not Listed
This administration is even worse than Woodrow Wilsons and he was the most bigoted
person to ever hold public office. He was the one who segregated the military and he hated
blacks, Jews, catholics and all foreigners except white anglosaxon protestant, northern
European whites. They wanted a socialist / communist form of government that they could
control and be in charge of. They even tried to have a new world order instituted through his
League of Nations. That would have been the United Nations of its day and would lead to
that new world order he was so interested in creating. They would eliminate about half the
worlds population and be served by and control the rest. Nobody thought it could happen in
Nazi Germany either. They all said, It could not happen here. We are a civilized country.
The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance. Hitlers Mein Kampf spelled it all out in advance
for all to see and read about. Nobody listened or believed him. Look at Obamas past and
George Soros's and Maurice Strong's history's. Look at the organization they started and
funded and the people they backed and donated money to. Look at the people they keep
around them and advise them and appoint to offices. Both his mother and father were
communists and he surrounded himself with them and looked to them for his education.
Look up these people: Cass Sunsteen, Jesse Stern, Joel Rogers, Rahm Emanuel, Valerie
Jarret, Franklin Raines, Dale Ratner & brother, Eric Holden, and many, many more that are
very well funded and directed. Who do you think wrote the health care bill and the stimulus
bill and all the other bills being introduced. Maurice Strong and George Soros had them
written by teams of lawyers under their direction to accomplish specific goals. The Apollo
alliance and the Tides foundation are two principal organizations behind the formation of the
health care bill. They have been planning and working for this for many years. They waited
for the right man to support for president and needed democratic house and senate control
so they could not be stopped. They needed a super majority to ram through anything they
wanted and when it came, they used every trick in the book to cajole or threaten or bribe
every Congressperson and Senators to do what they wanted. They are now trying very hard to pass every bill they need to gain control of the government and keep voters out of their way. They even tried giving Puerto Rico the vote because they saw what was coming in November and they want votes from any source they can get. They need the illegals votes and the Hispanic votes and they will try every trick to get them. Harry Reid said " I don't know how any Hispanic person can be a republican". Can you believe the arrogance of that statement?. Acorn is still there under new names and they will try and work the voting their way, whatever works. Voting fraud is rampant where ever Acorn is. Don't be surprised at anything when November gets here. They are desperate to keep control.
This will be the most important election we will ever have in the past 150 years. Do you
really believe that these bills came into being when Obama took office.? They were written
and planned for many years by teams of lawyers funded by George Soros and others behind all the organizations they started and funded. They were many years in the writing and planning by people who were waiting for just this time when democrats have control of both houses and a President who is a Progressive through and through. The Apollo Alliance, and The Tides Foundation, created most of the bills we see today being forced through the congress and senate. When Obama gained office he did not do what was desperately needed, like creating an atmosphere where business could create jobs and help the country get ahead. He has broken every single promise he made to people to get elected. He spent a whole year to force through a health care bill that will bankrupt the country and subvert the constitution. The contents of the bill will be found out little by little when they try to enforce and fund all the seperate sections not related to health care. The corruption in this administration beggers the imagination. Losing jobs by the millions in the meantime. Think it over ! Could a bill containing 2700 pages have been written in a year. Never! It will probably take at least 3 to 10 years to undo what Obama has done to this country. We have to elect new people and make sure they do not stay more than 3 terms for congress and one six year term or two 4 year terms for the senate. No more special privledges or exemptions from the same laws we have to obey. No lifetime pensions for a one term officeholder or any officeholder. Government workers must live by the same laws that apply to all citizens. Their must be a seperate and independent office for Ethics violations with subpenoa powers and an enforcement arm. We must keep the congress and senate fair and impartial in their dealings with the law. Appointed by the supreme court with people with no connection to either congress or senate. No more special exemptions from the laws the rest of us have to follow. No more cronyism with relatives and friends granted special favors or jobs or contracts to do business with the government. It has to stop.
All social security funds go back into a lockbox not to be used for ANY other purpose. Any
surplus government funds unspent must go into the lockbox at the end of every year. The
age of retirement must go to 68 or 70. People are living a lot longer than they did in the
fourties and fifties. It should have been a graduated plan from the beginning, gradually
raising the age for retirement every ten years. Retirees that have after tax incomes over
$1,000,000 a year should not get social security payments over a base amount.
Government retirees must not recieve retirement benefits until they reach retirement age of
sixty five or over. Police and firemen and teachers must reach 65 or over before recieving
payments for retirement. Union members must reach 65 before getting pensions as well.
No one can recieve any pension for more than their salary was while working. Their are a lot of union benefits that must be renegotiated before they go broke. No more political
donations to any politician or group unless voted on by the full membership in SECRET
ballot overseen by independant observers. It is not their money to give away, it is from the
payments of dues by members, made for their medical and retirement pension funds. Not
the kitty for the union bosses to feather their own nests with politicians or lobbying groups.
All union contracts must be renegotiated with featherbedding eliminated and work rules
designed to get the jobs done safely and effeciently. Union contracts all over the country
from Auto makers and large companies, Police , Firemen, Teachers, and government
workers, WILL bankrupt the nation within 5 to 10 years. It is simply unsustainable with the
money available today. Politicians getting lifetime benefits for a one term office holder. That
includes medical, dental, optical and everything else included. meanwhile they contribute
nothing into it. We need to go back to a 2006 fiscal year budget and stick with that until the economy comes back. I can go on and on about what congress and the senate are doing wrong but I have to stop somewhere. We have been on a mad spending spree since 2006 when democrats became the majority in power. They passed this on to George Bush.
Since the democrats have taken power, the spending has gone wild, and now with Obama they are trying to bankrupt the country and drive us into oblivion. The so called green revolution is a massive flop because it starts from a false premise. Their is no global warming because of greenhouse gasses. Every green plant on earth needs CO2 to stay healthy. As far as life among green plants is concerned the more the better. They use it in photosysthesis to process the suns rays to convert CO2 and water along with minerals from the ground into food for themselves while giving off O2. ( oxygen ) into the air. It is the process that creates life. It sustains us and has changed constantly over eons of time. The sun has more to do with temperature changes over time than CO2. Their have been periods in the past when CO2 emissions were 10 to 15 times more plentiful than now. I don't know how long we can go on under this President without destroying the foundations of our capitalist financial system.The rules and regulations pouring out of Washingtons beaurocratic offices, in almostevery department, stifles business and growth to a point where it cannot operate and make aprofit. 90 % of all job growth comes from the private sector economy with small businessesaccounting for almost all of it. The paperwork alone required for the running of the healthcare bills hundreds of mandates is staggering. There are thousands of ( thou shall's, or thoushall not's ) in that bill. This new congress must defund all non essential government jobsas soon as they take their seats in January. We must eliminate those installed for the last 4years under a democratic congress and 2 years under Obama. They have stacked the deckwith offices filled with democrats to divert and control every department to carry out theirplans. They are trying to stack the deck with appointees and government workers who willblock any attempt to curtail spending and block all small businesses with rules andregulations. They are working towards a financial meltdown so they can install their ownbrand of socialism/communism when disaster happens and our credit is ruined around theworld. Watch every move they make during the lame duck session to slip through bills with innocuous names and titles. They still will try to get Prince Harry's " Dream Bill " through about illegal's. God Help Us All to get to 2012 without more damage. Better to have stalemate than more Progressive disasters.
God Bless America and our troops
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