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Group Therapy Treatments
Group Therapy Treatments

Group Therapy Treatments

In treatment, ground rules for therapy are: no gum chewing, smoking, or other distractions. Deal with the here andnow, how you feel in the present moment. Speak foryourself in the first person, not of "you" or "we" but "I."Speak directly to an individual rather than to someoneelse about him or her. Be aware of the roles you play and your body messages. Be aware of how people in groupremind you of other significant people in your life. Be anactive listener. Expect periods of silence and postgroup feelings. A simple contract is made: to be honest, chemically free, and respect the confidentiality of the group.The same rules can apply to whatever group you chooseto join during the twenty-eight days of this program,whether it is with a professional therapist or in an Anonymous meeting.

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Ground rules for self-expression are very specific, forthey clear the air of the smoke screen of nonfeeiings anddisbelief. Saying "1 can't" is not allowed. It is a precondition of the mind, hardly ever of reality. It was once saidthat people can't go to the moon, can't fly, can't talk toeach other over long distances through a wire, can't seepictures on a box in their living room. "Can't" is a selflimiting thought that means you haven't come up with theright combination of actions to make it happen. "1 can't"is corrected to "1 won't" at Janet Greeson's "A Place ForUs."

"I don't know" is also not allowed. "I don't want totell you" or "I don't believe in myself" or "I don't want tomake the effort to find out" is what "I don't know" reallymeans. "I'll try" is passive-aggressive. People don'tchange sitting on the fence. When that phrase is used atJanet Greeson's "A Place For Us" we say, "Trying islying." "1 should" is also forbidden, and anyone who usesit will be told to "Stop shoulding on yourself." The word

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