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subject: Paradise Punta Cana International Summer Guidelines Villas Bargains Cuisine Plus Hot Spots [print this page]

Summer Getaway at Punta Cana Hotels
Summer Getaway at Punta Cana Hotels

Planning a summer getaway to the exotic Punta Cana is 100% fun and satisfaction guaranteed. Price ranges might be a little high but this is something normal because summer is the season when most people come to visit Punta Cana. However, spending on it certainly deserves every penny. The Grand Flamenco is one of the most famous hotels being preferred by most couples and tourists, thanks to its white sand beaches and comforting ambiance. Theres also a pool for children and a playground that makes this resort great even for families. The Oasis Canoa is a four-star hotel that should also be on the top list of places to stay. It is within the vicinity of the legendary Parque Nacional Del Este and other tourist spots that tell many things about the Dominicans Republic colorful history. Nearby you can find an archeological gallery and a small fishing village that is very attractive because of the multitude of colored fishing boats. These two luxury hotels are definitely going to make your vacation special.

Evening Fun in Punta Cana Hotels

A complete vacation in the colorful Punta Cana not only involves having to bask in the sun and take exciting day trips, but also having to experience what the Dominican nightlife is all about. Many youngsters love to dance and Punta Cana gives them the best locations within their edifices. The Mangu Disco is a two-floor indoor club in Occidental Grand Flamenco where techno music is predominant. The most appreciated club in Punta Cana is the Arieto. It can be found inside the Club Princess Resort and the music played in this club is very diverse, from Hip-Hop to Dance, plus its tribal design which is another element that makes this club unique. This is why the young and old generation from all over the world chooses this place to chill out. For those who like to spend experience a more classy evening, there are many casinos and night spectacles that they can attend.

Explore Punta Cana Hotels

Sightseeing in Punta Cana cannot be done in 24 hours, but taking a cruise along the stretch of the Caribbean beachfronts is. The ocean is one tourist sight of Punta Cana, and taking a cruise with the Bebe Catamaran VIP is sure to complete your holiday or summer vacation. Sailing gives you the chance to view lush forestry surrounding the Punta Cana hotels and villas that can be seen adjacent to the ocean. A few meters from the ship, shapes and colors of well-designed pools and golf courses can be seen, hidden partly by lush greenery. Snorkeling lessons and a chance to see the marine sanctuary in a sheltered and undamaged area of Cabeza Del Toro are also included in the sailing package. You will also stop over one of the islands white sand beaches and this gives you time to relax and bask in the sun. Plus, enjoy your short stay there with free rum and beer! Taking a cruise to see Punta Cana sights is the right way to do it.

Best Luxury Punta Cana Hotels

Planning to go to Punta Cana for business or leisure would be one of the nicest ways to start or end your year, and spending it one of the luxurious Punta Cana hotels would be the best decision to make to have the perfect Caribbean vacation. Theyre usually easy to find, as they are situated alongside the vast beachfronts of the eastern Dominican Republic. The Tortuga Bay, Paradisus, and the Sivory Punta Cana are the most popularly known hotels that spell luxury and offer exceptional quality of service. Each of these cautiously designed top rated hotels offers roomy suites and condos with a gorgeous view of the ocean. The food is a blend of cultures and its available in the various restaurants, not to mention the expensive facilities like pools Jacuzzis or baths which are always attracting people. The calm and comforting ambiance makes you feel awesome. You wont be disappointed by these hotels that are undeniably heaven.

by: Roshunda Leicester

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