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A review of the Kinect
A review of the Kinect

With over 44 million units sold worldwide the Xbox 360 has been a phenomenal success. Many gaming enthusiasts are adamant that the Xbox offers a better gaming experience than any of its competitors. Whilst it is not my intention to reignite this debate, one thing is clear. On the 4th November 2010 the Kinect was released in America and gaming as we know it was changed forever.

The Kinect is a first of its kind. For the first time ever gamers can play a game without the use of a controller. By simply using body movement and voice control a user can now play games without ever needing to button bash again. Your character needs to jump? You jump! Your character needs to duck? You duck! Simply put, in the Xbox 360 vs PS3 move / Wii battle the Kinect wins hands down.

So how does it work? By connecting a horizontal Kinect sensor to your Xbox 360 you enable a camera, depth sensor, and microphone to map out your room and facilitate 3D motion capture, facial recognition, and voice recognition. The significance of this should not be underestimated. This will change gaming as we know it. While the Wii was the first to integrate movement into gameplay the Kinect is the first to completely ditch the controller. This functionality even extends beyond gaming. Those wishing to use their Xbox as a media centre, to watch films for example, can now control their TV simply by voice recognition. Suddenly you are left wondering how you ever lived without it!

So how can you get your hands on a Kinect? Well it goes without saying that you need to get an Xbox 360 in order to use a Kinect. The Kinect itself cost 130, and an Xbox 360 4 gig with Kinectbundle will be in the region of 250. Naturally prices will fall after a few months but for those keen to get one now your best bet seems to be from competitions and giveaway sites. Don't forget, the Kinect has already been available to pre order for many months now, and there is ever likelihood that it will be a Christmas best seller. It is therefore advised that those looking to avoid Christmas disappointment should enter into as many free giveaways as possible, or failing that order one now!

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