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subject: Property Protocol – What you should know before you purchase [print this page]

Property Protocol What you should know before you purchase

Investing in real estate property is certainly one of the smartest things to do with your money. Some people make an entire career out of it while others do it to supplement their income. Whatever your reasons for investing there are a number of basic steps to follow before you sign the contract.

1) Visit the property yourself at different stages of the day and late into the evening. If you are planning on living there you will want to know how it looks at all stages of the day. You will also want to look out for things like whether or not your garden gets any son or if there is much noise late in the evening. If you end up getting the house for yourself you will want to make sure you have home insurance. This is very important and it is in your best interest to seek out the best provider to give you the best home insurance available.

2) It is a good idea to get an expert in to check the house for you. If you are not trained yourself there could be a number of potential problems with the property that your untrained eyes simply can see. This is important in relation to plumbing, electrics etc. These will end up being the expensive issues.

3) You will need to find out all the legal issues related to your house so you have a clear understanding of your property. This goes for what you can and can not build around you and also what could be built around you.

4) Finally know exactly what the property is intended for. This may seem the simplest but is a very important factor as it costs money to add and take things away from a property so it is best to have selected the right one for the right reasons.

Ensuring you have at least done the above you will be saving a lot of time, money and stress. You will at least go into the investment fully aware of what you are getting for your money.

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