subject: Upper East Side Braces - Should You Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? [print this page] Upper East Side Braces - Should You Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?
The wisdom teeth are the most common teeth to be impacted. Then partially emerging wisdom teeth or crooked teeth can also lead to painful crowding and disease. The wisdom teeth should be removed only after a full growth, because the teeth removed before the age 20 have less developed roots and fewer complications.
How are Wisdom Teeth Removed?
A tooth extraction is a relatively routine procedure. Your dentist or a dental specialist, calls for an oral surgeon, will recommend either "going to sleep" using general anesthesia or numbing with a local anesthesia.
After the tooth is removed, to limit the bleeding you may be asked to bite down softly on a piece of gauze for 30 to 45 minutes after you leave the office. The swelling may occur and it will normally go away after a few days.
Causes of Wisdom teeth:
A part of the tooth may be covered by a flap of gum, where the food particles and bacteria can be easily trapped causing a mild irritation and a low-grade infection called pericoronitis and swelling. Thus the Pericoronitis is just one of the reasons to remove the wisdom tooth.
The wisdom teeth are always tilted under the gums and they are blocked inside. The Dentists call these teeth as impacted teeth. They may cause pain and lead to severe problems. You may not even be aware that you have a wisdom teeth until your dentist sees them on an X-ray.
At present your wisdom teeth may not cause any pain but in future you may get some unwanted problems. The most common problems are decay, infection, crowding and damage the nearby teeth. It leads to the development of a cyst that can cause permanent damage to the bone, teeth and nerves.
Regular dental visits are important during your teens and in early twenties because this is the right time for the decay. Only regular visits can allow your dentist to follow the progress of your wisdom teeth.
Prevention techniques:
The Removal of the wisdom teeth due to crowding or impaction should not affect your natural bite or oral health in the future. But not all the wisdom teeth need to be removed.
The removal of the wisdom teeth is possible only in younger people because the tooth roots are not fully developed and the bone in which the teeth sit is less dense. Then Extracting procedure is also simple and doesn't lead to any complications allows for a shorter recovery time and less discomfort after the surgery.
Thus consulting a dentist in a premature stage can help us to avoid some serious problems.
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