subject: Pay Off Your Tax Debt For Pennies On The Dollar With An Irs Offer In Compromise [print this page] Having tax debt is nothing to sneeze atHaving tax debt is nothing to sneeze at. In fact, many taxpayers find themselves in debt to the IRS for many years. Some feel that they will simply never get that debt satisfied. If you are paying on a tax debt that you feel will last forever, it may be time to back up and rethink your strategy. You may find it time to contact Jay Allen Finn to see if he can help you to alleviate that debt much sooner. Mr. Finn will see if you qualify for an IRS offer in compromise. This is a program that can help you to pay off your debt much sooner.
An Offer in Compromise is basically an agreement with the IRS stating that you will pay back a certain amount of money each month. The amount of this agreement is determined by looking at different factors. In order to see if you qualify, the IRS will consider a few different facts about you including your overall tax debt, income and your assets. These things will be taken into consideration and if you qualify for the agreement then a monthly payment amount will be set. This will help you to begin getting that tax debt paid off and will keep the IRS from serving a wage garnishment or bank levy on you or from taking your personal property.
You should bear in mind that not all taxpayers will qualify for an offer in compromise. However, even if you do not qualify there is hope. Mr. Finn can still help you to take care of those delinquent taxes and ensure against wage and bank levies and personal property seizures. Having worked as an IRS agent for several years, Mr. Finn knows exactly how to talk to the IRS on your behalf to get you relief from garnishments and levies.
He will ensure that you have the opportunity to pay back your tax debt without losing a substantial portion of your paycheck every week or giving up your personal property. Mr. Finn knows that good taxpayers sometimes find themselves in bad positions and when that happens they simply need help from a caring and experienced professional to get them out of those problems and back on top. Don't waste another day living in tax debt. Allow Jay Allen Finn to come to your rescue and get the relief that you need from the IRS today.
by: Roger Design
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