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subject: Palm Springs International Film Festival by:Mitchell Sussman [print this page]

Palm Springs International Film Festival by:Mitchell Sussman

Each January the stars come out to play in the desert as one of the world's most prestigious film festivals makes its way in to Palm Springs. It is here at the annual Palm Springs International Film Festival that Hollywood royalty takes center stage.

The brainchild of former mayor and musical writer and performer, Sonny Bono, this two-week affair begins the first week in January and runs non-stop for fourteen days at five different venues; Camelot Theatres, Regal Theatres, Palm Springs High School, the Palm Canyon Theatre, and The Annenberg Theatre.

It all starts off with a Student Screening day, where an entire day of programming is devoted to students in the Coachella Valley. These are free screenings attended by approximately 1,500 students from high schools, colleges, and extended education programs throughout the valley.

The party really gets going at the Black Tie Awards Gala that takes place at the Palm Springs Convention Center a few days later. It attracts such faces as Sean Penn, Mariah Carey, Brad Pitt, Sean Connery, Clint Eastwood, Jeff Bridges and many, many other Hollywood stars who make it the first stop on the seasonal awards circuit the ends with the Academy Awards.

The Palm Springs International Film Festival, each year has a stellar lineup of more than 200 films from 60 countries and features many of the movies nominated for Academy Awards. The actors, writers and producer that attend the Gala and awards ceremony each year are typically the same ones nominated for Golden Globes and Academy Awards.

On the final day, there is a Closing Night Gala showing that takes place at the Palm Springs High School followed by a fantastic dinner at one of the local hotels.. It is at the closing ceremony that the best of the best are recognized in variety of categories bringing a nice wrap to this annual must see event

About the author

Mitchell Sussman is a television producer who has traveled around the world producing travel and adventure programming for Travel Channel, PBS, Fox Sports Net, ESPN and many others. He is a contributor to the website

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