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subject: Living Out Your New Year's Resolutions in London by:Tamara Jacobs [print this page]

Living Out Your New Year's Resolutions in London by:Tamara Jacobs

Christmas season has come and goneChristmas season has come and gone. You were able to enjoy some time off work, time spent with family and friends, time sitting around the tree, exchanging gifts and stories, but mostly time stuffing your face with turkey and eggnog. New years came and in typical fashion, you promised yourself that you would lose the weight you gained over the holidays, stop drinking for a month, improve your productivity at work, go out more with friends, and many other idealist things we all promise ourselves that we will do at the start of every year.

Well I am here to reassure those of you who live in or around London, that there's no better place to jump start your year.

For the dieters:

London has an abundance of gyms, detox centres, and spas to help you shed weight, restore energy and look beautiful in 2011. Some favourites are:

Bliss: 60 Sloane Avenue, London, SW3 3DD

In addition to their wide selection of fabulous creams, lotions, shampoos and beauty products, Bliss offer a plethora of spa services including facials, manicures, pedicures, massages, oxygen treatments and more. To win brownie points with mum, sis, and girlfriends, gift certificates are available.

The Method Spa: 21 Portman Sq in Home House, London, W1H 6LW

If your energy flow is feeling a bit off, then it might be time to go for a little facial and body acupuncture. At the Method Spa specialists use a combination of oils and massage techniques that are sure to bring your winter skin back to life.

Heartcore: Kensington, Notting Hill, Hampstead, Chelsea

For the six pack you've always wanted, the toned arms you've always admired Madonna for, and the buns of steel you've never imagined possible, sign yourself up for a series of pilates classes at heartcore. The studios are all the rage amongst the beautiful people who reside in West London. Classes are offered every day from dusk till dawn, teachers are friendly, and results are almost immediate.

For the aspiring culturalists:

There are few (if any) cities in the world that have more cultural activities to do than London. Whether you're into visual art, theatre, music, or dance you will have a wide variety of venues to choose from. Some favourites include Saddlers Wells (for dance), the V&A and Tate Modern (for visual arts), Barfly, Royal Albert Hall, or the O2 Arena (for live music), and the Old Vic, the Novello, and the National Theatre (for theatre).

For those of you who promised yourselves that you would be braver in 2011, why not fly in a hot air balloon over London? That way you can live out your fears, your goals, and see the city for all it is. Alternatively, you could take the tube on a Saturday!

About the author

Balloon Safaris provides hot air balloon flights all over England. All departure points are easily commutable from London. Find out more about Balloon Ride London. Flying with Balloon Safaris is an experience you'll never forget.

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