subject: Why Making Money Online Doesn't Get Any Easier [print this page] Why Making Money Online Doesn't Get Any Easier
Over the last two years I've built two profitable niche websites and it wasn't quick or easy. I can attest to the experience of other successful niche marketers who report it takes about two years to achieve a 4 figure monthly income.
Along the way your patience is put to the test by daily income reports that never seem to budge and you start to wonder if it's all just a big waste of time. If you're a first time entrepreneur, waiting for your hard work to achieve critical mass and explosive earnings can be maddening.
When I built my first website the prevailing wisdom was to build a large, 50+ page content rich website. With 25 years of off line business experience behind me, I was prepared for whatever this new internet marketing business model threw at me. And after 3 or 4 months of part time work I got my first check from Google.
But this isn't everyone's cup of tea, especially if you're just itching to get started and can't wait to see those five fabulous words: Pay to the order of.
The problem is finding a comprehensive, A-Z program that matches the skills, financial goals and, most importantly, the enthusiasm of developing entrepreneurs.
Enter the Niche Marketing Mini-Site
First and foremost, what really turns me on about the Mini-Site concept is all you have to do is build a one page website. This is as quick and easy as it gets!
Depending on the profitability of the niche you choose, the earnings from one mini site probably won't equal those of a mega-site, but collectively they can add up to big bucks: One-one page site at a time.
How to Evaluate Niche Marketing Mini-Site Programs
What you DON'T want is one of those boiler plate, look a like internet marketing sites that thousands (millions?) of others have slapped up on the web. It's almost impossible to make money with this type of site simply because the competition is overwhelming.
What you DO want is a Mini-Site based on a niche product or service with high consumer interest and the least amount of competition. Any Mini-Site program worth its salt will show you exactly how to use supply and demand to find these over looked opportunities.
Once you've found a profitable niche, you'll want help building your website - even if it's only one page. A worthwhile Mine-Site program will either offer a template you can optimize for your niche, or step by step instructions for creating a landing page.
The final step is promoting your soon to be profitable Mini-Site. The whole idea behind a Mini-Site is quick and easy, but if you aren't shown the most effective techniques to promote your site, you could easily waste hundreds of hours promoting a site that took only 3 hours to build!
A comprehensive Mini-Site program should also include time tested, inexpensive, and effective methods to promote your online business.
Just one more thing - I highly recommend the Mini-Site Niche Marketing concept as the quickest, easiest, and least expensive method to earn substantial cash online.
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