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Buy Kindle DX For A Great Gift

Buy Kindle DX For A Great Gift
Buy Kindle DX For A Great Gift

Described as the best of the best when it comes to wireless reading devices, the Kindle DX is the newest hot item to acquire. Most people are raving about the more visible larger screen and the sleek and slim design.

When compared to other wireless readers on the market, the Kindle DX's large screen has far more benefits and features to offer than any other.

Customers who buy Kindle DX have been most pleased and impressed with how easy it is on the eyes. The larger screen enables you to alter the font size to a more suitable and visible size with out losing too much text off the screen. The larger screen is 9.7" diagonal vs. the typical 6" diagonal. Perfect and ideal to those who have to strain to read small print in books.

Another key feature that attracted customers tobuy Kindle DXwas the much darker and crisper text; it makes it clearer and easier to read than other Kindle models. Giving you a more simple and enjoyable reading experience than smaller screen models.

No monthly wireless bills or commitments. Amazon pays for Kindle DX's wireless connectivity so you won't see a monthly wireless bill. There is no wireless setup-you are ready to shop, acquire, and read right out of the box.

Kindle DX's screen reflects light like ordinary paper and uses no backlighting, eliminating the glare associated with other electronic displays. As a result, Kindle DX can be read as without doubt in bright sunlight as in your living room. In addition, the improved contrast makes it easier to read in low light conditions.

The Kindle DX can be used to immediately access, search and shop the Kindle Store. You can begin reading within a minute after a simple click and obtain. Like Amazon, the Kindle Store offers the same customer satisfaction and low prices. When buying a Kindle DX book, Amazon will auto-deliver your selections wirelessly.

Another great feature about the Kindle DX is that it has an auto-rotating screen, so if you turn the screen it will rotate from portrait to landscape. This is great if you are trying to view a large map or something that will not fit on a traditional portrait view. Also great for viewing more of your PDF documents at one time.

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