subject: Home Based Web Business : The Many Travails Of The International Affiliate [print this page] Home Based Web Business : The Many Travails Of The International Affiliate
With most top affiliate programs, the international affiliate has many hurdles to surmount.There are broadly speaking, four types of international affiliates and the first, second and third groups are luckier than the fourth group.The first group comprises of affiliates from "developed" countries which just happen not to be the home base of the top affiliate programs.This group significantly do not have much problems except for inability to benefit from some of the programs' coupons which apply to products and services that it is only practicable to buy or consume in the home base of the top affiliate programs.Since most of the top affiliate programs originate from the United States (US), some Chinese, Japanese and even sometimes European countries, can sometimes be in the first category highlighted above.Quite often they are already "naturally" sieved from purchasing some products or services only by virtue of their location.Since there are complications and added costs involved with shipping, they practically go for downloadable products such as e-books and softwares as opposed to physical products.The situation turns around for United States (US) residents in few cases when they become international affiliates for few top affiliate programs with their home base outside the United States.The second group comprises of international affiliates from "less developed" or "third world countries" but who are still luckier than those in the fourth category by virtue of the favourable perception they receive from the international community.This significantly comprise of affiliates from some African and Asian countries such as South Africa.Though they also quite often have to make do with downloadable products such as e-books, softwares etc and are often unable to benefit from discount coupons which are mostly practically applicable in the home base of the top affiliate programs and its environs.As some programs are exclusively reserved for "US and Canada citizens", they often get to be excluded from some top affiliate programs by virtue of their location and "status". To a reasonable extent, they still get to participate in most top affiliate programs.Some international affiliates who by virtue of their inability to understand and communicate in english and/or their countries are non-english speaking, constitute the third category. These international affiliates are occasionally "naturally prevented" from participating in some top affiliate programs.So long as they can cope with the rigours of overcoming the language barrier, they still significantly get to be accepted as affiliate marketers to the top affiliate programs. Some large programs have even gone ahead to make translations of some significant areas to major international languages for the benefit of this category of international affiliates. Nowadays, there are also various translation softwares which ease their challenges.The fourth and last category comprises the international affiliates from some "developing" or "third world countries" who have a bad perception from the international community.For this category, "the camel can pass through the needle's eye, than they can go through successfully as international affiliates"Their travails start with the same common travails of other groups stated above but theirs is further accentuated by their outright ban from some lucrative top affiliate programs. They also do not have access to Paypal, the most widely accepted international payment processor online, which happens to be the exclusive processor of choice to most e-commerce market places such as ClickBank, Ebay, Amazon which also happen to be the market place for most lucrative affiliate products on the web.The impact of this on such international affiliates can only be best imagined, especially when one notes that most affiliates make at least 60% of their sales and profit from these source(s).Some of the international affiliates in this category got what they deserve while the mass majority who are innocent however, are playing biblical Jesus by carrying the cross of the others, most unfortunately.
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