Plan4boat is a complete guide that explains how you can build a beautiful boat from scratch. Daniel Holden the writer of the boat designs has given detailed blueprints and step by step instructions that even a beginner can follow. boat builders can choose from 250 boat designs and dory patterns.
When I built my first boat, almost 20 years ago, I thought I had it all figured out. 4 exhausting months later, I still wasn't done - I thought I had every detail measured out, only to find that I've got it all WRONG. So I decided to find a better way.
For the past 6 years, I've spent thousands of hours buying, reading and restructuring boat plans. Restructuring, because most plans on the market left me with questions - not answers! Their diagrams are confusing, unclear, or even wrong and they often skip important parts. No wonder boat building seemed so hard!
I just discovered this Plans4Boats Package,
There are over 250 easy-to-follow blueprints that comes with step-by-step instructions and detailed photos. Cool thing is, I've been quietly using the 3D boat design software for the past 2 months to build my sail boat! You'll love it.
The boat designs package also teaches you how you can build boat that costs less. You will be able to build a good boat much cheaper than the overpriced ready-made boats that you see. If you have the resources you can build a decent dory for nothing at all.
Click Here to Download High Quality Boat Designs and Blueprints.
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