subject: Making Money Online What About Duplicate Content? [print this page] If youre using article marketing to drive traffic to your site or offer in an attempt to make money online you might be wondering about duplicate content. You might wonder if there is any sense in posting the same article to multiple article directories. Is this effort worth your while or do you need to make each and every article unique?
Im not going to get into how folks make their articles unique by using different pieces of software because Im going to tell you right off the bat that the money spent, time put in and resulting articles are just rubbish. Thats right duplicate content is a myth propagated by people selling this junk.
But what is duplicate content? Duplicate content or the duplicate content penalty comes into play when you post the same article in two or more places on your own website or in an article directory. Duplicate content has nothing to do with having your high quality article in two or more separate places on the internet. Yes, true duplicate content can be an issue if you have the same page or article in two or more places on your website but to think that having an article on two or more different websites will somehow nullify your efforts is laughable.
If the duplicate content penalty that many people rant and rave about were based in any way in truth then it would be very simple to destroy your competition and get their website sandboxed or delisted by the search engines.
Think of it this way imagine that you are in a high competition niche. You are drooling over that top spot on the search engine results for a certain keyword. But your competition has been around for years and they have two thousand backlinks for your keyword. If the duplicate content penalty were true all you would have to do would be to post all of their articles on another website and their site would be delisted or lose ranking for the duplicate content. It would be the perfect crime!
Also, if it were true that the backlinks from those duplicate articles would somehow count against a website or not be counted then there would be no such things as article syndication. News websites wouldnt allow anyone to publish their articles and nobody would require a backlink to their article for the price of syndicating it.
In actuality, there are many very successful marketers making real money online that use article syndication as their main method of building backlinks. They write the best articles possible hoping that other websites will pick up their content and provide the backlinks on autopilot. No fuss and no muss they write the article, throw it out on a few high profile article directories hoping that others will use their content and provide backlinks to their site.
You see, duplicate content is just a myth and in truth it is actually a great thing that you can use to build backlinks and traffic to your website with little or no effort. Whether you publish your quality articles in article directories all on your own or attract other publishers by providing quality content that they can use, you come out the winner. The duplicate content penalty is just another myth that gets pushed on newbies in hopes of selling them another piece of junk that they really dont need to make money online.
by: Cory Jean
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