subject: Infertility Cures - 5 Things You Should Absolutely Avoid When Trying To Get Pregnant [print this page] Infertility Cures - 5 Things You Should Absolutely Avoid When Trying To Get Pregnant
There is plenty of well meaning advice on things you "should do" when you are trying to conceive. It's much more simple to focus on what will help your fertility rather than disregard bad habits and detrimental behaviours that you "should avoid". The truth is, both need to be addressed when seeking infertility cures.
Keep in mind if you are having infertility issues and it is taking much longer than you expected to conceive, there are things you should absolutely avoid to prepare your reproductive organs and entire body for the miracle of life.
You wouldn't dream of planting a seed into toxic, un-nourished, depleted, dry, cracked dirt and expect a beautiful flower to emerge. It's just not going to happen. Like a garden, your body requires tender care and preparation as you prepare it for pregnancy.
5 Things you Should Absolutely Avoid When Trying to Get Pregnant Are
1. Smoking - Smoking is associated with low birth weight, premature births, miscarriage and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Aside from the damage it can do to your unborn child, the poisons in your system are possibly stopping you from getting pregnant in the first place.
2. Alcohol - Alcohol and Drugs should be very limited or avoided altogether when trying to conceive. They both can affect sperm count and motility and can cause physical defects and poor growth to your unborn child.
3. Caffeine - Caffeine in coffee, chocolate and soda can decrease your fertility if taken in excess. Caffeine causes nervousness which increases stress levels. When stressed, couples lower their chances of getting pregnant. Caffeine is also associated with increased risk of miscarriage.
4. Soya - Soya products and foods are good to avoid when trying to get pregnant. They contain phytoestrogens which may change the estrogen levels within your body. If eaten in excess, it can change your natural hormonal level which will affect ovulation and egg production.
5. Toxins - Environmental Toxins can interfere with fertility. Chemical based cleaning products which you use in your home on a daily basis should be examined and it is suggested switching to all natural cleaning products. Also phthalates, which are chemicals used to prolong the life of fragrances chemically mimic hormones and can alter your hormonal balance which can contribute to infertility.
If you want a baby, preparing your body and reproductive organs can feel overwhelming at times. It doesn't need to be. Simple small changes can and will make a significant difference and provide you the infertility cure you are seeking.
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