subject: Discover 3 Easy Signs to Know Your Pregnant - Fast! [print this page] Discover 3 Easy Signs to Know Your Pregnant - Fast!
Often times the wait for pregnancy can be one of the most difficult times...It can easily make a month seem like a decade if you're really really hoping to get pregnant.
However, sometimes your body will tell you that you're pregnant faster than a test will, and you can end the wait quickly.
What I'd like to talk to you about today is a few ways that you can tell that your pregnant very early on.
Ok, so obviously the first one is a missed period. If you've been trying to get pregnant and you miss your period, then chances are that you've succeeded and that you are indeed pregnant.
It is true that there are other causes for a missed period, such as hormonal fluctuations, high stress levels, or even a change in your diet, but more often than not, and especially when you're trying, a missed period will mean that you're pregnant.
However, sometimes you may think that you haven't missed your period, when you really have.
This brings me to my second point, which is light bleeding. Oftentimes the tiny little baby developing inside your body, despite being virtually microscopic, can still cause you to bleed slightly.
If you had a very light period, or maybe you're bleeding was somehow different, then chances are that you're pregnant. Many women don't realize this, and completely disregard their odd period, only to find a month later that they are, in fact, pregnant.
One other thing that's easy to miss, but often very indicative of a successful pregnancy is if you find yourself urinating more than normal, despite not making any changes to the amount of water that you've been drinking.
If you notice yourself peeing much more frequently than you feel like you should be, then it might be time to take a trip to the doctor, or to take that pregnancy test.
The last thing to look out for when trying to get pregnant is dizziness. This can be different for different women.
Sometimes a woman might not experience any dizziness at all. Other times women will have extreme spells of dizziness that are actually very uncomfortable to go through. Either way it's something for you to look out for, as if you're trying to get pregnant and you notice that you're especially dizzy for no apparent reason, the reason is probably that you're pregnant.
Well, I hope that those tips have helped you out...I know that if you keep an eye out for these things that you'll have no trouble detecting when you're pregnant!
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