subject: Internet Marketing - Have You Missed The Boat [print this page] If you are reading this, the chances are you are considering moving into Internet Marketing. Maybe you have tried it in the past and it has not worked out for you but you are now thinking about dipping your toe in the water again.
But then the nagging doubts start. Sure, people are making money online, but they have already got it all sewn up, There is just no room for newbies like me, or worse, you have told your family and friends about your plans and they have just shot them down in flames.
Well, we have just three words of advice when it comes to either your own doubts or others trying to talk you out of starting out on an Internet Marketing career DO NOT LISTEN! Do not let them talk you out of it. Sure it may not work the first time or the second, or even the third. That does not mean it will never work.
Let us just look at a few numbers. When we made our first foray into the world of Internet Marketing in early 2004, there were 745 million people on the web worldwide or 11.5% of the worlds population. We had a little success but we are ashamed to say that we hit some obstacles and gave up probably the worst decision we ever made!
There is a favourite quote of ours by that inspirational sportsman, Lance Armstrong that perfectly sums up our situation Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever. We know that quitting back in 2004 cost us badly and we will never make up the ground we lost but that did not stop us starting out again a few years later.
When we decided late in 2009 to go back to Internet Marketing, the number of people on the net had increased in a little over five years to 1,802 million or 26.6% of the worlds population. An increase of over a BILLION people had been added to the numbers online in five years! What other market place grows at that rate?
And what one thing are they ALL looking for whether they are shopping, checking the news, following their hobby whatever they are doing, they are seeking information. And information has value.
As we are writing this in early December 2010, the latest figures we have are for September of this year and they show there were 1,971 million people now on the net 28.8% of the worlds population or an INCREASE of 169 million IN NINE MONTHS! That is the equivalent of adding the entire population of Pakistan in under a year. And this is the thing the rate of increase shows no sign of slowing any time soon.
So, are you too late? Have you missed the boat? Only if you decide you have.
In other articles we shall discuss how you should identify markets, products and, perhaps even more important, mentors.
The Six Figure Community, though, is what really establishes the Six Figure Mentors as something different from the herd. The Community comprises members at all stages of business development; from complete newbies to profitable online marketers with multiple six-figure incomes. They all share one universal objective the success of the community and all its members. Key to this is there is an absolute bar on self promotion no member of the community is permitted to promote his or her product to any other member.
The Six Figure Community has a blog forum where members can publish any questions they might have they might be wrestling with a precise difficulty and the odds are, another SFMer will have the solution.
As well as the forum, blog and chatroom, there are additionally regular live broadcasts where members can pose questions straight to community leaders really outstanding for accelerating progress.
It goes further than online, though. In many areas, members of the Six Figure Community have arranged their own master mind groups where they will meet up and share ideas for development of their businesses. In a very brief spell, a real community has grown up.
How do I join SFM?
Until recently, membership of the Six Figure Mentors was strictly by invitation only. The sole way a person might join was by partnering with someone who was already a member of the Six Figure Community in their own high ticket business. Stuart Ross realised, though, that this precluded a proportion of up-and-coming entrepreneurs who simply didnt hold the funds to embark upon a high cost venture.
He teamed up with world renowned internet marketer Daniel Wagner and, jointly, they planned the launch of the Six Figure Mentors 2.0, due by the last part of 2010.
If you think the Six Figure Mentors is what youre looking for to help you put your business on the right track, you can steal a march on the competition and grab a free 7-day video bootcamp presenting you step-by-step the strategic elements of establishing a business online. Just go to and you can get immediate access.
by: Carole & Ivan Eyre
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