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subject: Top 3 Natural Homemade Face Scrubs For Oily Skin [print this page]

When it comes to your face, skin care is very important especially when it comes to problematic skin. When your skin is oily your face can look and feel greasy. It can make you more susceptible to pimples and blackheads that can keep your true beauty from showing through. I know you want to have fresh looking skin and you can if you take care of your skin properly.

Do you know that it is very important to exfoliate your oily skin with face scrubs? It helps to rejuvenate your skin by removing the dead skin cells and prevent your skin of producing more oils.

Here are my TOP 3 natural homemade face scrubs for oily skin:

1. This one is my favorite.


* Sea salt

* Lemon juice


Mix into a paste 1 part sea salt and 1 part lemon juice. Gently scrub face for 1 2 minutes. Wash off. Interestingly, you would think this natural homemade face scrub would be very drying to your skin, quite the contrary it actually leaves your skin feeling clean, refreshed, and soft.

2. Another fascinating natural homemade face scrub for oily skin.


* 1/4 teaspoon dried yeast

* 1 tablespoon of oatmeal

* 1 teaspoon lemon juice


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. You should form a thick past, if past doesnt thick enough you can add some water. Then gently massage into the skin, avoiding eye area. Wash off with warm water.

3. This natural homemade face scrub called sweet avocado


* 2 teaspoons of finely ground oatmeal

* 1 teaspoon of avocado

* 1 teaspoon of honey


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. You should form a thick past. Massage it into a damp face with circular movements and wash off thoroughly with warm water.

Once you find the right skin care method, your skin will look and feel beautiful.

by: Vicky Lewy

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