subject: Discover 3 Powerful Eating Strategies Found in Diets to Lose Stomach Fat [print this page] Diets to lose stomach fat are different than other diets in that they must work to control insulin levels in the body. The problem with stomach fat is that it can be the first place fat is distributed, this is particularly true of all men and those women who are over 40. This article shares 3 powerful eating strategies that diets to lose stomach fat must include. 1. Greatly reduce refined carbohydrates from the diet. I like to say that if the food has been puffed, processed, packaged, popped or made into a pastry it will likely turn into fat on your body. This is because these foods break down super fast in your digestive system and create a spike in your insulin level which promotes stomach fat storage. 2. Shift whole carbs to the early half of your day. Your body can use the carbohydrates (and I am talking about whole grain carbohydrates) better early in the day because you are more active and your metabolism is higher so the carbohydrates simply burn off as energy. However, late in the day they aren't handled as well and will more easily turn to fat and should be avoided. 3. Fill up in the afternoon and evening on foods that do not cause a quick rise in your insulin levels. This includes proteins such as meat, cheese, cottage cheese and any non-starchy vegetables (think salad). You can also include good fats such as olive oil, canola oil, avocados and nuts (just watch your portion sizes). Diets to lose stomach fat need to prevent spikes in your insulin levels, follow these 3 powerful eating strategies to drop your waist size.
Discover 3 Powerful Eating Strategies Found in Diets to Lose Stomach Fat
By: Dr. Becky Gillaspy
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