subject: High Net Worth Home Insurance Policies Aren't Exclusive To The Super Rich [print this page] High net worth home insurance was created for people with individual home insurance needs, which are not covered with a regular home insurance policy. Many people believe that they are well covered for all of their homes valuables, however if your contents is worth over 75,000 you may qualify for this more specialized insurance and it is often worth considering. If you are under insured, the contents of your home will not be insured for the full cost of replacement and it is unlikely that your insurer will agree to pay the full amount of your claim.
The valuable contents of your home needs adequately protecting, and if you have a number of high value items you should look to utilise high net worth home insurance to suitably protect them. Many people fall prey to belief that they do not have high value contents and that they will be perfectly covered for everything they own. It is important for you to consider all the different aspects of your contents and have them correctly valued to ensure that you have the right cover for you.
Contents that home owners often undervalue when considering their worth frequently include family heirlooms or inherited items such as antiques, art or furniture. However there are even less obvious items that are forgotten about and not taken into consideration, objects that are often stacked away in wardrobes such as designer clothes, shoes and bags. Most people remember the value of their watches and jewellery but forget about the other apparel that they may have bought over previous years or been given as a present.
Before having all of your homely possessions valued it is however well worth checking with your insurer that your policy will cover all of these items. Many policies differ and if you switched insurer the policy that you had been covered for previously could have changed. In the case of many high net worth insurance policies, the insurer will offer a more personalised service for you. If your contents are considered of large value its likely that your property will receive an independent survey and you will be offered advice on risk management.
Your insurer may also be able to offer you discounts on valuations to ensure you get a good assessment on your contents and their value. This ensures that if you ever have to make a claim you can be relieved that you wont need to worry about ensuring it can be successfully replaced. The nature of such high net worth home insurance policies also allows a number of other potential issues such as identity fraud to be included within your policy, ensuring that you can be safe in the knowledge that your fully covered for any eventuality.
by: Neil Anderson
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