When it comes to treating nits, make sure that whatever it is you resort to using, comb your hair thoroughly after each nits treatment using a nit comb. After 10 days of undergoing nits treatment, make sure to do the same procedure over and over again to be sure that there is nothing left in your hair. Here are some effective nits treatment tips that might be helpful to you in getting rid of your nits and lice:
Make sure to include all family members in the treatment even if they are not showing any signs of having head lice or nits.
Make sure to disinfect all bed linens, towels and other soft furnishings used by the infected person.
White vinegar and Listerine treatment - pour Listerine through the hair and cover the head with a shower cap. Leave the hair soaked in Listerine for about two hours and then rinse the Listerine away along with the lice. Next, pour white sugar over the hair and comb it thoroughly. This will remove all the gluey stuff which enables the nits to stick onto the shafts of the hair. Rinse the hair very well and try using the nits comb once again.
Using a shampoo with coal tar can be very helpful when it comes to treating nits.
Robi comb - this is considered the most effective nits comb, as it can kill the pests on contact.
Olive oil nits treatment - mix half a cup of olive oil with at least 2 to 3 tablespoons of tea tree oil. Massage the mixture onto the scalp and then cover the head with a shower cap. Place an old towel around the neck to absorb the dripping oil. Leave the oil mixture for about 30 minutes and then rinse the hair with an ordinary shampoo to get rid of the oil. Use vinegar and hot water to rinse the hair alternately.
Use warmed mayonnaise to smother your hair with, and then place a shower cap over your head. Leave the mayonnaise on for at least 2 hours and then wash it with an ordinary shampoo to remove the mayonnaise from the hair. Rinse your hair with vinegar and leave it there for 5 minutes before rinsing it again with an ordinary shampoo.
Try to purchase a hair conditioning and gluey scalp treatment- the thicker the better. Coat your hair very well and then put on a shower cap. Leave it there overnight. Upon waking up in the morning, wash it out. Do not worry about leftover conditioners in the hair. They can continue to stay there during the lice treatment process.
Use Vaseline and apply it onto your hair, use a shower cap to cover your head. Leave it overnight and then upon waking up in the morning, apply peanut butter onto your hair to dislodge the Vaseline. Use an ordinary shampoo and rinse it well.
To avoid getting a head lice infestation again in the future, try to do the following:
Use a spray bottle filled with water, add 2 to 3 drops of lavender oil and spray it on your hair every morning.
Add a few drops of tea tree oil into your shampoo and conditioner.
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