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Becoming Debt Free
Becoming Debt Free

God's way to financial freedom is sometimes misconstrued and misunderstood, but you do not have to stay in your current predicament anymore, wisdom is the principal thing and once you get hold to this, your financial woes will be over and a new light will shine upon you and lift you up and bring you to complete financial freedom.

To be a Christian is to know Christ and his will concerning your life. The key is knowing his will and how the kingdom of God operates. This leads me to believe that you can be a Christian and still be oblivious to the will of God and his kingdom principles. Why are so many Christians in such need and are desperately broke? In this world money is power because it gives you options and ability. Having options and ability makes it possible to do the work of God and affect the world. It makes it possible to embark on mission trips and outreaches, but if you do not even have enough to take care of your own family how are you going to take care of other people's need. This is why we cannot afford to be broke for another day. The work of God must go on, the gospel has to be preached to world, the poor needs to be fed, Christian resources need to be in the hand of those who need it and cannot afford it, new satellite need to be mounted to preach the word of God twenty four seven. This is why we need to operate and understand the kingdom of God. Do not perish because of lack of knowledge, for God has already given us everything pertaining to life and godliness.

I spent so much time praying to God for money, begging God to send me a miracle check so that I can pay all my bills, but that did not work. My debt kept rising and I found myself in want and need all the time. I wanted the right thing but I did not approach it in the right way. Of course it is God's will for you to prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers but principle is principle. God will not change his principle because he is the same and he does not change for anyone. God said to the people of Israel that remember the lord your God who gives you power to create wealth. So this means that I needed to pray for power which is wisdom to help me create wealth. That was the missing ingredient. I needed to pray for wisdom, I needed wisdom from God on how to be successful financial, that is God's way to success.

You will think that all this time I will learn about King Solomon. He prayed for wisdom, wisdom for discernment, wisdom to be able to make wise decisions, wisdom on his job as a king and we all know that he was the richest man who ever lived.

Take some time and seek God, ask God to direct your steps, ask God to give you wisdom at your workplace, ask God for wisdom to start your own business, let God be the center of every decision you make and I can assure you that this will commerce your breakdown, this will mark the end to poverty and usher you into a new season, a season of abundance and greatness.

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