subject: Like an inexhaustible supply of money?Sure we would [print this page] Like an inexhaustible supply of money?Sure we would
Money, Money, Money is a rich man's world ..these words were Written sung and made famous by the group in the 70's called ABBA. So what is it about money which seems to control our financial, emotional lives and life style in general? If you were suddenly given an amount of money that you have dreamed off and continually wished or prayed for what would you do? Would you know how to turn this new found wealth into a continual never ending stream of money? Probably as like 99% of people you probably have never been taught the principles of money so inevitably you would be back to where you were before the event, Hmm read on.
Money is a subject that people have discussed for thousands of years. It creates such powerful emotions and desires, that people will kill, steal, lie, or sell themselves for it and at a higher level destroy Governments and Nations for a larger percentage of it, have a look at recent world events, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, African continent, and so the list goes, it does not stop just there of late we have all heard and been subjected to the Global financial crisis, where some sovereign nations are now financially bankrupt all because they ignored the fundamental rules of money. So I can hear you say how can I do better when Governments and sovereign nations have failed? Before I answer that let's look historically and see if this is just a problem for our times?
Unfortunately over 8000 years nothing has changed except perhaps the terminology. The basics are still the same.
The same principals of wealth creation are as relevant and important today as they were over 8000 years ago. I hazard to say perhaps more important and relevant as today we are continuously bombarded through electronic media and advertising to indulge, buy today and pay tomorrow (or later). The "must have today" syndrome or "instant gratification" was a problem back then as it is today except now it is compounded through TV, news papers, radio and the internet.
The principals of money are not taught at school, in fact the reverse is true and you are encouraged to get a credit card, one of the most destructive financial instruments available, not to have one makes life difficult as some banks may not loan you money for a worthwhile purpose due to your low credit score.
Now that truly amazes me you need to have a credit card to get a better credit score, an instrument that will hog tie you in debt forever if incorrectly used.
This is a world of abundance. Every man, woman and child could not possibly spend or consume everything that is produced on this planet. All they need to do is follow the simple rules of money developed and practiced by every wealthy person through the millennia.
Unfortunately the majority do not live by or understand these rules of money, they have allowed themselves to be indoctrinated into believing otherwise and are to weak to discipline themselves into learning and practicing these rules of money for a fatter wallet and bank account into which the streams of money can flow with fear or restriction.
Why do you allow your self to stay poor? Because it is to easy to implement these rules, yes it is really easy and it is also really easy not to. What is even more amazing these rules are free all it takes is effort and discipline to form the habit of wealth creation.
Because it is free, you tend to have no value for it as again you have been indoctrinated to believe that any thing of value must cost something, or there has to be secret to be rich. So you search endlessly for the secret the magic bullet that will take away and fix all your financial woes.
If making money and abundant wealth is so simple how come everyone is not doing it? So what is the catch?
The only catch in creating abundance is effort and discipline in following and enforcing the rules till they become second nature.
Yes that is the only catch. Because from an early age most of us are taught not to accept responsibility for our actions we need someone else to lean on some one else to blame for our lot in life, some one to place the blame on when temptation raises it's head.
I followed these rules with effort,discipline and plenty of pain, often being way laid by temptation and each time I did I lost some of my wealth that I was creating. In fact , I lost the lot. So back on track I crawled, starting with nothing but with a desire to become really wealthy again so my purse would keep over flowing. Being broke sucks.
So if you want to be financially free, ask your self will you do what it takes, SERIOUSLY?
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