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subject: Lose Weight Quickly At Low Cost [print this page]


First thing in the morning, take one cup warm water to which strained juice of a lime and one teaspoon of honey has been added. This helps in clearing the bloodstream and therefore clears the skin of its blemishes and at the same time helps to work the bowels.Therefore, make it a religious duty to drink this daily. Later on for breakfast take one cup of skimmed milk, one boil ed egg, one thin slice of brown bread spread upon with one tsp.butter, one apple, one fish liver oil capsule for vitamin A and D ,100 milligram vitamin C tablets and six brewers yeast tablets containing the entire B family. Take these vitamins also daily in the morning without fail.


Mutton stew; Spinach delight; Raita; One chapatti, one orange.

To prepare mutton stew, take 250 gram lean mutton, 100 gram mixed vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, peas and French beans) one-quarter coconut, a few each of mint and curry leaves, one small onion, salt and spices to taste. Grind coconut and extract juice. Set this thick juice aside. Pour one cup hot water on the squeezed out coconut scrapings and set aside for five minutes. Then squeeze out the milk. This is known as think milk. Put mutton, salt and spices in this thin milk and cook till almost tender, put in the vegetables and mint leaves and continue cooking till both the mutton and vegetables are done. Fry onion and curry leaves in half a teaspoon of oil to a light brown color, pour over the stew and serve at once.

To prepare spinach delight, take half a cup of chopped spinach, quarter cup skimmed milk, half a tablespoon powdered cumin seeds, salt to taste, half a tablespoon sliced ginger, one minced green chili.

Put the spinach to cook with chili and salt and ginger. Let it get cooked thoroughly and allow the water to dry. Mash to a paste, put in the milk, re-heat and sprinkle cumin seeds on top.

For raita, take half cup curd made out of milk with cream removed, two tablespoons grated and steamed marrow of pumpkin, a few coriander leaves, quarter tablespoon grated ginger, salt and spices to taste.

Beat the curd well and mix in the marrow with the rest of the things.


One glass of tomato juice.


Two cups soup, two Melba toasts and fruit salad.

For soup, take1/4 chicken without skin, one egg, and one slice of pomfret, 100 gram. Mixed vegetables (French leans, peas, cabbage, carrots), salt and Soya sauce to taste. Beat the egg lightly. Steam-cook the vegetables, Boil chicken in two glasses of water. When tender, strain out the soup and remove the chicken from the bones. Mix chicken soup and Soya sauce into the egg and stir well, Put in the vegetables and fish and serve at once.

For Melba toast, lay 2 brown breads on a shallow baking tray, place tray in a very slow oven and bake until perfectly dry and crisp. Spread each toast with half teaspoon butter.

For fruit salad, take one cup orange juice,1/2 cup diced mixed fruits of choice, one teaspoon gelatin and honey to suit the taste. Dissolve gelatin in one tablespoon warm water. Also dissolve honey in orange juice by placing both on slow fire. Mix in gelatin. Remove from fire, cool, put in the fruits and chill.

Bed time

One cup of skimmed milk.

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by: jagjeet singh

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