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subject: Exercising And Pregnancy - What You Should Know [print this page]

The best time to start planning your health, weight and exercise program is the same time as you are starting to plan your pregnancy; having a strong, fit and healthy body will not only prepare you for the strength and stamina required during your pregnancy, but it will also increase your chances of conception and an easier pregnancy, labour and birth!

Just because youre pregnant, it doesnt mean that you cant get out there and get some active exercise. After you get the all clear from your doctor, be sure to fit in daily exercises during your pregnancy. In order to clear you for exercise, your doctor may give you some guidelines to follow to ensure a healthy pregnancy, but to get you started, here are some exercise guidelines of our own.

Exercise is strongly recommended during pregnancy but only at a moderate pace. Women who take part in strenuous exercises like scuba diving and weight lifting, must adjust their routine soon after conceiving. Walking is the best exercise during pregnancy. It makes the labor and delivery much easier.

Frequent urination, as caused by losing bladder control during pregnancy, is among the most common discomfortsthat pregnat women usually experience. More often than not, having a weak bladder is a normal phenomenon caused by the major change in your body. First, as the fetus grows bigger, it pushes against your bladder thus, reducing its fluid capacity and causing your urge to urinate to occur more frequently. Second, as your placenta grows, it allows more blood to circulate throughout your body. This increases your fluid intake as well as your urination frequency. One of the most widely-practiced technique which can help you improve bladder control during pregnancy is the Kegel exercise.

Kegel exercise id a behavioral technique which can help both men and women get rid of urinary incontinence. The goal of this exercise is to correct an underlying cause of the urinary incontinence such as having weak pelvic floor muscles which may result as a consequence of certain medical conditions, weight or vaginal birth. When your pelvic muscles are weak, an involuntary urine leaking may occur. Your urine may leak when you sneeze, cough, laugh or when you exercise. Below, we will share with you everything that you need to know about Kegel exercises.

When you become pregnant your body changes to accommodate the arrival of the baby, for example ligaments and bones soften. This can make you more susceptible to injury. The temperature regulation mechanisms of the body are also under strain, which means it could be easy to overheat. This may put stress on the unborn child especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

You should avoid intensive exercise with high heart rates as this could deprive the fetus of oxygen. If you're a serious user of your treadmill, do not just carry on exercising in your normal manner. Take things a little bit easier. One of the great benefits of using a treadmill is that it is simple to regulate the intensity of your exercise session. You can even walk instead of jogging.

by: Reeva

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