subject: How to cook liver? [print this page] How to cook liver? How to cook liver?
The liver is a very useful product that contains nutrients and minerals, and vitamins B and A. The liver has a delicate flavor and it is directly dependent on the age of the animal than it is under, the liver is delicious. One of the best is veal liver, it taste very delicious and tender, as well as liver steppe sheep or lamb.
If the liver is fresh, it should be smooth, the incision should be moist and have a brown or reddish color. Typically, before frying the liver it should definitely remove the film, then pepper and salt.
Types of liver
1. Calf liver has a light brown color with red, and has a soft and loose structure. It weighs about the liver from one to two and a half kilograms. Calf liver is prepared steamed, baked and fried dishes. To the liver was not hard, it is necessary to salt when cooking in the end, cook the liver should not take very long. Of the various remnants of the liver can be cooked pies and toppings for cakes.
2. Beef liver is dark reddish color, the weight of a liver about five kilograms. To taste a little bitter with a sharp and strong taste. To taste of beef liver was tender can soak it for several hours in milk. Beef liver prepared fried dishes, baked in grill, fry in deep fat.
3. Pig's liver is reddish or dark brown color. This is inherent in a particular liver of pronounced flavor, it is not very gentle on cooking. In the context of the liver has a porous and "grainy" appearance. Weight her about one to two and a half kilograms. Of this, the liver can be cooked roast, stew, cook in a grill, make pies, fillings for cakes.
4. Liver steppe sheep or lamb weight is small, approximately less than one kilogram. This liver is very pleasant and mild taste, slightly spicy. The best a liver fry over medium heat and add butter or ghee. This liver is so often the case in the sale, applies to cooking.
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